Chapter 25

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5 months later

I'm waiting for Antonio in the consult room. Our OB is also not there yet for my 5 month scan. We're finding out the sex of the baby.

Antonio runs in, panting like someone who's just won a marathon. I roll my eyes childishly making him grin

"Sorry baby, interview ran long"

"It's okay, do you have to go back after this?"

Antonio nods, "I do. I'm working with an old partner from Vice on a robbery homicide Erin's mom brought in"

I chuckle, "Bunny's involved?"


"Who's the old partner?"

Antonio smirks, "Gina Santos"

"Oh, a woman?" I raise my eyebrow and he rolls his eyes; "Really? You're doing the whole jealous wife thing now?"

I chuckle, "Just busting your balls Dawson"

Our OB, Connie, walks in and smiles at us. "Antonio; Kate, how are you today?"

"Good doc, how are you?" I ask chirpy.

"Good, good, lie down Kate and please pull up your shirt."

I lie down and look at Antonio; he strokes my hair as Connie fires up the sonar.

"Today, you're finding out the sex of the baby, do you want to know?"

Antonio says 'yes' immediately and I grin with a nod. I smile with tears in my eyes as we hear the heartbeat. Antonio kisses my forehead. We can't get enough of hearing our baby's heartbeat.

"Let's see if we can see the gender"

Connie probes the baby with the wand, and then smiles at us

"Congratulations mommy and daddy; you're having a baby boy"

Antonio smiles brightly, he kisses my lips deeply. "Thank you"


Antonio went back to work and I finished up some post ops and two surgeries, he calls me at about 8pm when I'm already at home. He tells me to dress nice, he's taking me out for dinner.

We haven't been on a date in a while so I'm excited. I wait for him after dressing in a maternity black dress and flats. I pull my hair free from the pony and touch up my makeup, I spray on some perfume.

Antonio gets home and I grin at him, my grin falters when I see his botched up face. "I'm fine, face wound from fighting a perp"

"That ink stain guy that escaped? Yeah we heard on the news. You guys are the real heroes"

Antonio smiles and kisses me. "Come on, I want to show off my girl."


We came back from our date at exactly 2am, after dinner we walked around on the Riverwalk, and then drove off to the gym where we spent some time with Morrie and Dougie who was entertaining ladies there. How romantic.


4 months later

"Where's Antonio?" I groan out in pain as my labour pains get worse by the minute. "The district's getting him, just hang on" Maggie says softly.

Gabby runs in, along with Erin, a few minutes later. My water broke a few minutes after shift; and I've been in this room for 9 hours. They can't get Antonio on the phone and I made a promise to myself to kill him when he gets here.

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