Chapter 5 (FF to 5 years later)

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"You ready for tonight?" Adam asks as he; Antonio and Jay finish out the day

"I'm good. I've got everything arranged – the venue; the ring is in my safe at the house"

"Did you get someone's permission?"

"For what- to marry her? No, she has no family"

"Like Erin's man" Adam says with a grin making me scoff, "I'm not asking Erin's permission to marry Kate. She knows already as it is, helped me get the ring"

"What time are you taking Katie out?"


Jay's eyes widened, "Man, it's 6: 55. You have 5 minutes"

"No your watch is wrong." I protest

Adam laughs, "Nope, 18:55. You need to leave before the future missus gets angry"

"Shit!" I yell and I faintly hear the two laugh as I run to my car.

I immediately call Kate as I exit CPD's parking space, I drive off to her apartment but traffic's bad.

"Antonio Dawson, you're late"

I smile at the teasing voice, relieved that she's not angry.

"I know, I know. I lost track of time and now traffic's shitty. I'm on my way; I'm a block out"

"Alright, I'm waiting inside. It's freezing"

She hangs up after giving me some sort of kissy noise on the phone and I smile as I finally get to the apartment building.

I run up the stairs to the 4th floor and I knock on the door. Kate opens up with a knowing smirk with a grin on her face.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I say immediately

"Its fine" She rolls her eyes, "You're lucky I love you so much"

"I really am" I whisper and pull her closer to me. I kiss her on the mouth and she pulls away a few seconds later making me pout

She pecks my lips, "We're late Dawson; didn't you make a reservation?"

"Yeah we need to go, but I know the owner of where we're going so it doesn't matter"


I open the passenger door for her but before she could get in I take out a blindfold and wrap it around her eyes. Kate frowns, "Are you going to kill me? Is it because I threatened to not feed you if you don't put your dirty underwear in the laundry bag?"

I roll my eyes but stay quiet

"Antonio" She tries to find my face making me laugh softly. "Antonio, are you still here? I don't like you. Its dark, Antonio, open my eyes please. Antonio I want to see"

She's still trying to find my face but I grab her hand after putting the car in park. "We're here crazy girl so you can shush"

"Shush? Who says shush?"

I sigh and pull her out of the car, she's still trying to find my face and I laugh as I grab both her hands. "I'm going to put handcuffs on you if you don't stop"

"Ooh, that's extremely kinky. Blindfold and cuffs, we should try it"

I roll my eyes knowing that she will never go for BDSM of any kind, blindfolds and cuffs are part of BDSM.

"Yeah as if" I mutter and before we could reach the stairs I pick her up bridal style making her squeal out with a laugh

I chuckle along with her and kiss her lips, her hands finally find my face and she puts her hand on my mouth. I give it a kiss

"You feel handsome"

I snort out, "I am handsome but you should know that by now"

"I do but you feel handsome as well. Your face is so chiseled."

"You're extremely weird tonight"

"I'm always weird you should know THAT by now"

I chuckle, "True. Okay baby I'm going to put you on your feet now okay but stand still until I pull off the blindfold okay?"

"Okay" she says and I put her down on her feet and kiss her cheek. I pull off the blindfold, in anticipation of her reaction.

She gasps, her eyes lit up. "Oh wow, baby? This is... wow"

I smile

It's the roof of the boxing gym, with a view of the Chicago lights. In the corner is a table set up with a white cloth, two candles; two plates and two glasses.

On the floor next to the table are white roses in the shape of a heart with a bottle of champagne and two flutes.

"Antonio, this is... this is breathtaking. Wow, this is beautiful"

"You're breathtakingly beautiful, this, this is just my way of doing something special."

"This is very special."

"Well, I'm hoping tonight would be special." I pull the chair out for her and she sits down. I kiss her forehead and sit down across from her.

"So you know I'm not a good cook, so I brought chicken noodle salad from Little Mary's."

"Sounds delicious; and you are a good cook."

I smile and take the food out of the picnic basket. I pour her some wine and we enjoy the food with some light dinner table talk.

"Uh, I uh, I bought my IPOD and speakers, you wanna dance?"

"Yeah" She says enthusiastically and I pull her up and put on Elvis Presley's can't help falling in love, she smiles brightly "this is a beautiful song"

"Can I have this dance?"

"Of course" She puts her hand in mine and we start slow dancing to the song.

"I never thought in my life that I'd ever find a woman who makes me feel the way you make me feel. You love me for me. I feel myself when I'm with you. You're my best friend, my saving grace. I want to spend my entire life with you. I want to grow old with you, have kids with you and be with you forever."

The song ends and I get down on my knee, a new song starts – Angels and Airwaves Breathe

"Katelyn Rosanne Roberts, will you marry me?" I ask her as I reveal the diamond ring.

Kate doesn't say anything for a short while; her eyes are filled with tears. She gasps and nods her head making my heart speed up

"Yes" She whispers, "Yes. Of course I will marry you Antonio Dawson"

My heart beat speeds even more. I get off my knee and shakily put on the ring on her ring finger.

"You said yes" I whisper in awe as she smiles, she nods her head and kisses me. "We're engaged"

I beam brightly and pick her up; I twirl her around making her laugh. I kiss her with passion and love.

She's going to be my wife.

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