Chapter 24

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5 weeks later

Antonio has his final check-up today, I know I'm a bad person but I want Stevenson to tell him he can't go back to work yet. I'm not ready for him to go back to work and get hurt.

I meet Antonio in Stevenson's office and take his hand in mine. Stevenson smiles at us and sits down in his chair.

"Antonio, your scans came back clear. There are no permanent deficits; no adhesions, you're clear."

I smile at him and Antonio nods with a smile, "Can I go back to work?"

I sigh at this question, I'm going to keep my mouth since Antonio and I have been at each other's throats about this particular question. I don't want him to go back to work – it's too soon – but he's ready to go back.

Stevenson sighs, "There's no medical reason that you can't go back, but in my own professional opinion I will give it another month"

Antonio shakes his head, "But I'm cleared right, so I can still go back"

Stevenson nods, "I'm not recommending it but-"

"Thanks doc" Antonio mutters and shoots me a look. I sigh and get to my feet, "Thanks Mike"

"Yeah" he smiles back at me and I follow Antonio out.

"You heard the doctor, I'm going back to work" he says and starts to walk. I frown and grab his arm, "That's it? That's what you're telling me?"

"He cleared me. I can go back to work" Antonio raises his voice and I pull him into an on-call room.

"Do not raise your voice at me, not in the place I work." I hiss, "I didn't say anything so why get defensive?"

"Kate, I'm tired of staring at the ceiling. You know what that's like"

"Yeah I do Antonio, but I didn't go back to work without my doctor's recommendation, and I don't work at the most dangerous unit in Chicago, running around getting shot at"

"Are you done?" he asks coldly, catching me off guard. I sigh loudly

"Yeah, please be careful"

Antonio shoots me a look again and walks out. I sigh and close my eyes.


Antonio's POV

I buzz myself into Intelligence and jog up the stairs, happy to be back.

When I get there I spot the entire team at their desks, making jokes. It's good to be back, I've missed work. Kate can say I'm not ready until she's blue in her freaking face, but I'm ready to work, I'm ready to suit up and get out there again.

"There he is" Jay grins as Adam and Alvin cheer with whistling and clapping.

"Hey man what the hell are you doing back so soon?" Alvin asks and I smirk

"Oh my God man, you sound like my wife"

"Listen man, we got you a 'welcome back, glad you're not dead' gift" Jay says as he walks over to me.

Adam comes out with a walker making me smirk, "Don't say we didn't ever do anything for you"

"That's hilarious" I point out as they all laugh, Erin's in the corner sulking about something.

"Come here, a little closer" I tell Adam and he points to Jay with a grin, "His idea"

"You?" I ask Jay and he grins, "You want some of this? Yeah, come on"

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