Chapter 21

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The Terror Trauma in Chicago


Tara Cohen

Following the events of last week's mass shooting in Chicago's biggest trauma centre, where 45 personnel – 18 nurses; 15 doctors and 12 security guards – lost their lives.

Andreas Diaz, the culprit, was shot in the back of the head by Detective Antonio Dawson, ending the 72 hour nightmare.

Chicago Medical Centre will be closed for all traumas and patients until further notice. All cases will be referred to Lakeshore Hospital; and UC Medicine.

The remaining-staff appreciates the support and understanding from the public.


"I need to get away, I'm going away" Natalie says and I nod. She was alone in a supply closet, with an injured resident...that day.

"Yeah, where are you going?"

She shrugs, "I think I'm going to visit my folks. Ask Will to come with me"

I grin, "I think that'll be good."

"Are you going somewhere?"

I shake my head, "No Antonio's working. I'm just... I'm at home"

"How are you Kate? You don''re not yourself"

I smile, "Nobody will ever be the same"


Gabby's still on Maternity leave so she and I and Carlos are doing grocery shopping.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine"

"You're not fine, how are you holding up?"

"A crazy psychopath held a cocked gun to my forehead and killed a lot of my friends and colleagues, I'm holding on by tape and glue, so I need you and everyone else to talk about something else"

Gabby nods, "Carlos slept through the night last night"

I grin, "That's amazing. What happened to our deal buddy? What happened to driving your parents crazy?"

Gabby laughs, "He's an angel"

"He really is" I grin

The two of us talk while buying groceries for both our houses.

"My parents are coming tomorrow, they want to have dinner; can we please do it at your house?"

"Yeah, but you're helping me clean afterwards"

Gabby chuckles, "Deal"


Antonio's already at home when I get there. I park in the garage and get three bags out.

"Hey beautiful" Antonio says softly and kisses me deeply

"Hey, there are still a few bags in the car"

"I'll get them" he pecks me again and then walks out to the garage. I put the groceries on the kitchen counter and start unloading them. Antonio gets back and helps me unload it.

"Thanks baby" I smile and Antonio nods, he kisses my cheek.

I frown and Antonio looks at me, "all those people... they died because of me"

"What are you talking about?"

"At Med, they all died because Pulpo wanted to hurt me. Those were my friends; my colleagues; innocent people with families and they died because of me"

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