Chapter 4

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Friday – date night

"Erin!" I call her, thanking my lucky stars that her shift ended soon so she could help me with...well...dressing up. I'm not really a dressing up kind of girl – 90% of the time I'm in my hospital scrubs and the other ten I'm either in jeans and a shirt or sweats.

"Oh what the hell happened in here?" She laughs as she looks at the clothes littering my entire room.

"I can't find anything to wear, my shift ran late and now I'm running late to my first date with Antonio. You have to help me"

"Alright first calm down, he loved you in sweats a few days ago. Breathe, did you shower?"


"Alright then start curling your hair and I will find you something to wear. Where are you two going did he say?"

"He said I should wear something informally formal, whatever the hell that means"

"You're a mess best friend. Ah, this is informally formal. Wear this, are you done curling your hair?"

"Yeah" I nod and start on my makeup. After that I look at the clothes she's laid down on my bed and I grin, "Yeah you have great taste. Thanks for being my hero"

"Always" Erin smirks. I dress in a blue summer's dress with flats and spray on perfume. Erin and I tidy up my room and then the doorbell rings. I grin at Erin and she chuckles, "Go. Don't be nervous, he likes you a lot."

"I like him too... a lot, a lot"

Erin smiles and kisses my cheek as I make my way down the hall to the front door. There stands Antonio with a bouquet of sunflowers and white roses.

"Oh wow, Antonio those are beautiful"

"You're beautiful" He says with a loving smile. He hands me the flowers and I thank him with a kiss on the cheek.

I notice the faint blush on his cheeks as I excuse myself to put the flowers in a vase. While I was doing that I heard Erin's footsteps going to the front door

"I know you outrank me, you're my boss, and you've been a cop longer than I have, but she's my best friend, my sister, so if you hurt her I will slit your throat with a butter knife."

"Yes ma'am" I heard Antonio's voice and I smirked. My girl's got my back.

I walk towards the door after putting the vase down on the kitchen table.

"You ready to go?" I ask Antonio and he nods, Erin's stern look gets replaced with a loving smile.

"Alright, you two kiddos have fun. I'm off to bed with a book and a bottle of wine"

Antonio and I bid her goodbye and he grabs my hand and leads me off to his car.


The two of us are at Paul's Café, the best restaurant there is in Chicago, no, in Illinois. Antonio wanted to take me to More Casa, a very expensive restaurant but I quickly told him off that money doesn't make me like him more.

We sat down outside, our table have a view of the Chicago River. The light of the moon shines directly onto the water.

"Wow this is breath-taking, look at that view"

"It is breath-taking but I'm not talking about the view."

I look at him and blush at his intense stare. "You're absolutely gorgeous Kate"

I smile up at him and softly kiss his scruffy cheek. "You're not too bad yourself Anton. Now, tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

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