Chapter 10

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Hank Voight doesn't even have to leave his district when he sees Beldon looking smug. The two have always clashed heads – because Beldon wants Voight's job.

"You son of a bitch" Hank growls once he sees Beldon.

"Hank, turn it down a notch" the man says and Hank immediately lunges forward.

"You... you fraternized with Pulpo and you got her shot!" he hisses and punches Beldon. The two gets separated by uniforms.

"Hank calm down!" Trudy yells. Beldon gets escorted out of the district and Hank storms upstairs.

He's pissed


Antonio walks into the district, everyone around him can sense his anger and heartache.

"Antonio. We're all here for you" Trudy says, in the background he sees a lot of uniforms nod their heads in agreement.

"Yeah" Antonio says solemnly

"How is she?" Kim asks, she and Roman are standing at the desk

"Not good." He answers and walks upstairs.

Cardio Lopez, he runs with Pulpo's crew and several witnesses saw him at Katelyn's-

Adam stops talking when he sees Antonio walking in. The team all turn

"Is that him? Did that son of a bitch shoot my wife?" he growls and Jay tries to calm him down

"We don't know yet man, all we know is that he runs with Pulpo's crew and several people saw him at Bella's Café minutes before you walked in." Alvin says

"Do you have any lead on Pulpo?" Antonio asks and Hank shakes his head regretfully. "He's lying low, but we'll find him. I promise"

"I'm the only one in the cage when we find him" Antonio growls and the team nod, they won't say no to him even if it is against a lot of their wishes.

"Of course" Hank says

"How's Kate?" Erin speaks up for the first time today

"She's in ICU, not stable. I wasn't allowed to see her"

"I'm sorry man" Adam says and he nods, "Let's get to work"

"Maybe you should go back to the hospital? We've got it" Alvin speaks up but Antonio shakes his head, "There's nothing I can do for her there, but here I can find the son of a bitch that shot her and make him pay."


Antonio storms up to lockup with Adam and Roman. Roman unlocks the cell where Munoz was and Munoz smirks when he sees Antonio's face.

"How's your wife Antonio?" he taunts and Antonio sees red, he punches him in the face twice and then forcefully drags him down to the cage in the basement.

"Where's Pulpo?" Antonio demands after throwing Munoz in the cage.

"Who?" Munoz taunts with a smirk and Antonio punches him again, and again, and again.

"Where is Pulpo?" he asks again. "I don't know. Tell me Antonio, how did you manage to snag up such a pretty wife? It's such a shame that she might die"

Antonio gets cold at those words and fury leaves him blinded. He grabs the chain around the gate of the cage and starts punching Munoz in the face. The Olympic boxer side of Antonio is shown as Munoz is bloodied. Adam finally pulls Antonio off Munoz and yells at him

"Calm down, calm down"

He pulls Antonio out of the basement, away from a laughing Munoz.

"We won't find Pulpo if you kill Munoz Antonio!" Adam screams at Antonio. The Detective snaps and lunges for Adam as Jay and Hank try to keep him off the younger man.

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