Chapter 13

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Kate tries to fall asleep but her breathing is ragged. She feels nauseous. With a frown she tries to take a deep breath.

Her eyes are glazy as she tries to read the clock. She can't see the time.

"Antonio" she says hoarsely. "Antonio"

She pushes his shoulder and Antonio wakes up groggily. "What's wrong – are you okay?"

"Call a nurse. I don't feel well. Call a nurse"

Antonio frowns and stands up. He presses the nurse button and soon two nurses run in with Maggie behind them.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm nauseous, extremely nauseous... I can't see anything and... I...can't....b-breathe"

"What's happening?" Antonio asks as the nurses around him start doing.... Medical stuff

"Antonio, I need for you to wait outside"

"What's wrong with her?" he frowns, his eyes shown panic.

"We don't know. Please, go, get out" Maggie says to him.

Kate's heart speeds up and Antonio gets shoved into the corner. He starts crying. "Help her. Maggie-"

"I will but I need for you to leave. Someone get him outside and page Choi!"


After being dragged out of the room, Antonio sits down on the chair outside the room and starts crying. Why the hell is this happening?

He sees Choi run in but everything is blurred..



Choi walks up to him. It's been 50 minutes since he was chased out of Kate's room.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Kate's allergic to the penicillin we prescribed. It's not in her files so I'm sure she doesn't even know. I've taken her off the meds and I've prescribed a different antibiotic"

"But she's okay?" Antonio asks

"Yes, she's fine. She's sleeping, you can go in"

"Thanks Choi"


Antonio walks into the room and stares at his sleeping wife, "stop scaring me baby" he whispers as he strokes her cheek. He pecks her lips and grabs the blanket out of the cupboard. He lies down on the couch and falls asleep.


Antonio's asleep but Katelyn's awake, watching television and eating her fruit cocktail for lunch when Erin walks in.

"Hey gorgeous girl" Kate says softly. Erin smiles and lies down next to her.

"How do you feel?" Erin asks softly.

"Fine, apparently I'm allergic to penicillin. Found that out last night"

Erin frowns, "what happened?"

"I was just nauseous and had irregular breathing – you know... fun stuff"

Erin smirks, "your boy was incredibly angry – he took the boxer out of him with Pulpo and his gang."


Erin smirks, "It's was really a come on"

Kate chuckles, "He's hot isn't he?"

"Very much so, I've never seen him that angry – scared and so, so sad"

Kate frowns and casts a look to a sleeping Antonio, "we'll get through this. He's vulnerable right now but it'll all be okay"

Erin kisses her cheek, "Nadia ran away"

Kate frowns, "she'll be back. You know she will be back"

Erin scrunches up her face, "I doubt it. I gave her a roof over her head; food; clothes. I gave her a life and she ran away to score"

Kate frowns, "Er, you ran away twice in the beginning, look where you are now. You're a detective in the Intelligence unit of the CPD. Look where you are now. She'll come around, just give her time"

Erin tears up, "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you"

"I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life"

. The best friends were watching Fiddler on the roof .

"Hospital food sucks, I can't believe we give it to our patients" Kate says as she scrunches up her face. The two are eating Kate's jelly and fruit.

Erin laughs, "Can you eat real food?"

"Yeah, thank God. I'll send hubby later for a pizza.... Maybe a cheeseburger and a milkshake as well."

"You eat all of that and still stay skinny, damn, lucky bitch"

Antonio wakes up a bit later and Kate is the first to notice him.

"Hey sleeping beauty" she says softly and Antonio smiles. He walks up to her and kisses her lips.

"Hey Erin"

"Hey Antonio, I'll go get you that cheeseburger, you want anything else?"

"Ooh" Kate grins, "Chocolate milkshake please and thank you best friend"

Erin laughs and walks out of the room. Antonio sits down next to her and grabs the mac and cheese on the table. He starts eating it but puts it down after one bite.

"Even I make better food than this" he mutters and Kate laughs, "Erin's bringing a cheeseburger, must I call and ask for another one?"

"Yes please"

As Kate's making the call with the promise of paying her when she gets here, Antonio looks at his wife and admires her. She had two surgeries; her heart almost gave out last night and she's making jokes and talking like nothing happened.

She hangs up and smiles at Antonio, "Your food is coming. Babe don't you want to go home and shower?"

"Are you telling me I stink?"

Kate laughs, "No"

"I'm fine right here. Hank said I can have off today and tomorrow so I'm staying with you. I'll get Gabby to bring me some fresh clothes"

"Dawson, you're sleeping in our bed tonight so you can get a good night sleep" he tried to argue

"I have spoken." Antonio laughs and kisses her lips, "Fine I'll sleep at home but I'm coming back first thing in the morning and I'm not leaving until you're asleep the evening"

Kate grins, "I can live with that. Lie down with me. Let's watch a movie"

Antonio lies down next to her. She hesitantly, since she's still incredibly sore, lied her head down on his chest. He kisses her forehead and scrolls through the stations.

"Let's watch this" she says softly and Antonio sighs and gives her a mock frown, "only because you're sick"

So they watch Mean Girls.

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