Chapter 33

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"Daddy, daddy!" Camilla yells excitedly when Antonio walks into the house. His double shift started with three children walking into the district to confess to the murder of their parents.

After the worst 19 hours of his work-life, they finally found the real perp - the dad's brother who manipulated the kids into thinking that they killed the couple.

Antonio crouches down on the floor and picks up his little girl. Her golden curls are glistering in the sun. She looks so adorable in her pink dress.

"Hi my girl."

"Daddy!" Camilla smiles brightly, "I make cookies at school daddy"

Antonio smiles as he pulls away from the hug, he kisses the little girl on her forehead. "Come show me the cookies you made baby girl."

She pulls Antonio into the kitchen to show him the messy biscuits covered in pink icing and jelly tots.

"This looks delicious Cammy. You're a real chef, aren't you?"

Camilla giggles, "I make cookies forever!"

The detective chuckles, "where's your mom Cammy bug?"

"Mama with auntie Gabby in the white room. Lukie swim"

The white room. She can't yet pronounce terrace so she always calls it the white room.

"Let's go say hi" He picks up his daughter and walks into the terrace to find his wife and sister drinking coffee. Luke and Loui are playing ball outside.

"Mommy, I finds daddy!"

Kate beams and stands up from the chair. She kisses her daughter first and after Antonio puts her down she hugs him as well.

"I missed you gorgeous man. How was your double?" Antonio sighs as he pulls her into a soft kiss. "Long, exhausting but solved." He hugs his sister and then sits down next to Kate. "I missed you too"

While Camilla is playing outside with the boys, Gabby turns to the couple taking the last sip of her coffee. "Poor Cammy's always with the boys."

Kate chuckles, "Maybe you and Matt should think of giving Cam a girl friend."

The paramedic laughs, "Nope, Loui is enough for now."

"How's it going with you two?"Antonio pipes in. His fingers brush over Kate's leg. She had the day off, something he was incredibly jealous about. But like she so blatantly told him when he was whining this morning, that with two kids there's no such thing as a 'day off'.

"We're better. We're reconnecting, well I hope we are. It's better since I moved down to ambulance again."

"You two are meant for each other and when you're meant for each other you stay together. Look at me and dumbo, we're still happily together even though he's a dumbo sometimes." Kate teases, a cheeky grin spreads on her face. Antonio narrows his eyes at his wife, "You love this dumbo. You chose this dumbo so that makes you an even bigger dumbo."

"Shut up guys, you're nauseating." Gabby complains. Both Kate and Antonio laugh. Even after all the years they've been together and the many times it seemed they wouldn't make it, they're still in love as the beginning of days.

While the three are chatting away, Kate's phone rings. She pulls it out of her jean pocket and frowns, "It's Sharon. Excuse me buttercups"

Kate walks into the kitchen and answers the call.

"Hey Kate, I'm sorry to bother you at home. I need your help - tomorrow before your shift starts at 6. There's a doctor that drank on the job, endangered patients. Your department."

Kate nods her head, "I'll see you tomorrow at 6 Sharon. You sure you don't need me now?"

"No. I sent him home, he needs a lawyer."

"Kate curses under her breath, "alright, I'll see you then."

She never wants to hear about doctors endangering the lives of patients, especially not when they are in her department.

Kate walks back to the porch. She smiles at her daughter now sat on her father's lap.

"Everything okay?" Gabby asks upon noticing Kate's frown.

"Someone in my department messed up. I have to go in tomorrow at 6."

Antonio pouts, "so early."

"Says you who had a wake up call from Voight at 5 am on a Saturday"

He stick his tongue out smirking when she does the same. Gabby rolls her eyes with a chuckle. She gently picks up Camilla and murmurs, "Your parents are babies Cammy."

"Babies, like meee!" She squeals.

Gabby smiles as she puts the little girl back on the floor. "Matt's going to be home in a few minutes so I better go."

"Aw" Kate pouts

Gabby calls for Loui and soon the two drive away. Antonio wraps his arms around Kate from behind, "Let's put the kids to bed early"

Kate laughs, "for what?"

"para poder tener sexo contigo"

Kate smirks and turns around in his arms. She kisses him on the mouth. "That sounds like a perfect plan"

He laughs, "I love you pretty girl."

"Love you too. Let's get dinner in them"


The next morning Kate wakes up at 5 to get ready for the day. After four rounds of mind blowing sex with her husband, she feels light as air. Deliriously happy and ready for the day.

Her marriage to Antonio is stronger now, especially after the nightmare he had that she died. The couple decided then and there that they will still make time for each other. They won't become the married couple that lived for their kids so one day in each week they would leave the kids with Erin or Gabby and go on dates.

A soft groan interrupts her day dreaming as she french braids her hair. She smiles as soft brown eyes stare at her.

"You're not in bed." He notes. Kate grins, "You're still the best detective there is baby."

He rolls his eyes, "I can't believe I'm going to be alone in this big bed until 8."

Kate grins, "I can always make noise to wake up the kids then you're not alone."

He pouts, "you're no fun. Blow off this meeting, please."

"No" She laughs, she pecks him on the lips and spray some perfume. "I'll see you tonight hunky Dawson."

"I'll see you tonight gorgeous Dawson. Love you."

"Love you too" She pecks him again on the lips and then drives off to the hospital, ready to start her day with a meeting.

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