Chapter 9

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Has anyone heard anything?" Trudy asks as she walks up to the Intelligence room. The team is frantically working upstairs. Hank has tried to get information out about Pulpo but even with a few punches the Columbian stayed silent.

"No" Jay growled out. He looks at Erin, her face is white, blank, and her eyes are red. She wants to be at the hospital now, but she knows Kate needs her to work to find the shooter.

"Do you have anything Mouse?" Hank asks. Everyone is worried for their friend – she's not just a doctor that has saved many of their own – she's also part of the Chicago family, a family member's wife.

"Andreas Diaz, or Pulpo, has contacted several people inside jail-"
"How the hell did he get phone privileges?" Adam asks and Mouse shrugs, "One of the people he called is Lieutenant Joffrey Beldon, organized crimes"

"You're kidding me?" Hank growls

"That's not all. They have been talking for almost 3 months, the last phone call he made lasted for 2 hours, and that's the minimum length – sometimes the calls last 4 hours; there's one of 8 hours"

Hank's face get red, the vein in his neck pops out. "Al, come with me, we're having a chat with Beldon"


Antonio sits with his head down in his hands, Gabby's next to him rubbing his back.

"She'll be okay, it's Kate; she's strong"

The two sits in silence for almost 10 hours, Gabby will know, she's been staring at the clock ever since they took Kate up for surgery.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Antonio whispers

"Kate always tells me that when a surgery runs long, it's a good thing because then the person is still alive. If a surgery is over in only a few hours then that means either the patient is dead or there's nothing they can do for him. She'll be okay"

Choi and Rhodes walk out, Sharon is next to them. All of them look somber.

"Antonio" the man jumps up with hope

"How is she?"

"The bullet penetrated her major vessels; she bled internally. We tried everything to get the bullet out without damaging her heart arteries and vessels but unfortunately were unsuccessful-"

Gabby cut him off, "What the hell are you saying? Is my sister dead?"

"No" Choi says, "But it's not looking too good. She's still unstable, we've put her in the ICU and we'll have to open her up again once she's stable. It's not going to be an easy road but Kate is tough, she'll survive"

"Can I see her?" Antonio asks, tears run down his cheeks

"Unfortunately no, not yet, I'm sorry Antonio"

The doctors walk away and Antonio sits down on the chair. His sister cradles him and he sobs; "I can't lose her Gabby. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't... I can't go on without her"

"You won't" Gabby insists, "One thing I know is that she loves you more than life itself. She will never leave you. She will fight. Kate's strong, she's a fighter and she will be okay"

"I can't stay here if I can't see her. I'm uh"

"I know" Gabby whispers, "I'll stay. Go get the son of a bitch that did this"

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