Chapter 14

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"I'm meeting up with builders tomorrow"

Kate raises her eyebrow, "what are you building crazy man?"

"Our dream house; we're done living in this condo."

Kate grins, "Yeah?"

"So while you're stuck in this bed, write up your plans on how you want the house to look"

"I can't draw to save my life, you know that"

"That's why I said write it up. I'll handle the architecture. Pen on paper, tell me your dream house"

Kate sighs and buries her head in his neck, "I want a big garden, and our house needs to be in a safety complex."

"That's all you want?"

"Well..." she ponders over it, "I want a terrace and a porch"

Antonio smiles, "alright."

"What do you want? This is our dream house so your input is also very important"

Antonio kisses her cheek, "I want a swimming pool-"

"Baby we live in Chicago, there's like a month of summer"

Antonio chuckles, "Yeah well in that month I want you in that tiny black bikini you bought on our honeymoon."

"Of course" Kate laughs, "What else?"

"A two story house, open space, 5 bedrooms, en-suite master bathroom."

"Why do we need 5 bedrooms Tone?"

"Believe me – there are a lot of people who will stay with us."

"Alright then, five bedrooms it is, but if you want such a big house, we will get dogs and an alarm system. When you go undercover, or a case runs late, I will want to be safe"

"Of course" Antonio kisses her lips, "I'm meeting with the building team tomorrow and we'll finally get our dream house"

Kate laughs and kisses him fully on the mouth. "God, I love you, best husband in the entire world"

"Let's get some sleep"

Kate pouts, "I slept the whole day"

"Yeah, well, I worked the whole day so I want to sleep"

"Fine" Kate pouts and Antonio rolls his eyes, "you want to watch TV don't you?"

"Hmm" Kate grins and he sighs, "fine, low volume, I need my beauty sleep."

"Yes sir, thank you sir" she says sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.

"You feel better don't you?" he asks as he settles in for bed. He knows she's feeling better because her sarcastic sense of humour is back.

"I really do. Maybe I can go to the gym tomorrow"

"You're still healing from two surgeries; I don't think that's a good idea"

"I feel good. I won't box – obviously – I just want to be there, help you with the admin"

"Alright, I'll get a wheelchair from the hospital tomorrow"

Kate rolls her eyes, "don't argue with me"

"Fine" she pouts and huffs. Antonio kisses her lips, three times and then pecks her forehead and cheeks.

"Goodnight baby" she whispers, he responds by kissing her again and then falls asleep.

Gabby's off shift the next morning so she stays with Kate the entire day, Antonio held his promise and bought a wheelchair back before he had to go to work.

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