Chapter 27

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8 years later

Kate's pregnant again – 5 months

Luke's in primary school – grade 1

Loui's in grade 4 and the two cousins are good friends

Antonio's undercover, has already been for 6 months

Erin and Jay broke up (again)

Gina is working at 21st, Kate knows and is fine with it (as long as she keeps her lips to herself)

Lucas Daniel Dawson – age 8

"Luke, have you brushed your teeth?" I ask him, it's 6:30am and Luke has to go to school. He's already eaten breakfast and dressed

"Yes mom" he rolls his eyes, "Can we go? Tommy's waiting for me before school"

"Yeah, yeah, come on. Get in the car"

He gets into the backseat and I drive off to the school

"Alright baby, be good, your grandma will pick you up after school"

"Okay mom" he's almost out of the car when I stop him

"Where's my kiss slugger?"

He giggles and kisses my cheek, "Bye mom"

"Bye baby, have fun at school"

When Luke's safe in school, in the watching eyes of his teachers I drive off to work and start my day with an open heart surgery.


It's 7pm when I get off work; I drive off to my mother in law's house and knock on the door.

My father in law opens the door with a smile, "Hey Kate" he kisses my forehead


"Come in, Luke's playing ball outside"

"Alright thanks, was he good?"

"Of course"

I smile, "Thanks"

"Have you heard from Antonio?"

I take a deep breath, "Yeah, he's done actually, he got the guys and he's bringing them in. He'll be back later tonight"

"That's good, you miss him?"

"I do, Luke does as well"

"Mom!" Luke yells with an excited smile as he runs into the house. I crouch down and hug my boy

"Hey buddy, did you have a good time with grandpa?"

"Yeah!" he drawls out, "How's baby?"

I smile, "Baby's fine, you ready to go baby? Daddy's coming home tonight"

Lucas cheers excitedly and goes to grab his backpack. I hug my father in law and Lucas bids him goodbye as well. He gets into my car and I drive home.

"Luke, wash up for dinner!" I call. He's in the television room playing video games. He switches off the TV and then goes into the downstairs bathroom to wash his hands. He gets into the kitchen and I hand him a bowl of spaghetti.

"Thanks mom" he smiles and digs in to eat. I kiss his head and go upstairs. I take a shower, and dress into jeans and a fancy top. I blow dry my hair and put on some make up. I want to look good for Antonio.

"Mommy; dad's home" I smile as Luke yells and I walk downstairs. Luke's holding his dad tight; Antonio's crouched down and keeps giving him kisses on his head.

For You, A PromiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang