Chapter 16

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The time finally came for the couple to go to Wilmette. Kate's busy packing both their bags while Antonio's at work. According to Erin, who is extremely jealous, was it a slow day at CPD. No cases whatsoever.

"Can't I come with?" Erin whines

"Of course, just bring your earplugs because I think Antonio and I will have more sex than we did on our honeymoon"

"Ah gross, you sick whore" Erin comments and Kate laughs loudly.

"I'll see you on Wednesday then, breakfast then?"

"Sounds amazing; see you then best friend. Have fun with your boy"

"I will, love you"

"Love you too"

She hangs up the phone and I switch off all the plugs except for the fridge and then lock the doors and windows.

"Babe, you ready?" Antonio asks a few minutes later as he enters the condo, letting his SUV idle.

"Yeah, you're early"

Antonio shrugs and kisses her forehead, "Hank gave us off, no cases. If we get there early we can go to the pond before check in time"

"What pond?"

Antonio laughs, "Jonathan Toews pond baby. You know, Captain, Black Hawks"

"Yeah, yeah, I know who he is. Okay, let's drive. Take the bags and I'll grab my purse and the road trip food"

Antonio grabbed the two bags and vanity case and loads the car. Kate gets in with her camera; purse and a bag filled with food.

Antonio smiles and puts the car in gear; they drive off for their long weekend together.

"Smile baby" Kate says as she points the camera in selfie-mode. Antonio sighs as he looks at the road and smile quick for the photo. He changes gears to slow down on the interstate near a garage halfway to the resort.

"I'm filling up on fuel; you wanna go to the bathroom or something? Grab something to eat?"

"Hmm, I'll get coffee. You want one?" Kate asks and Antonio nods, "Hot Chocolate please baby"

Antonio swipes his credit card for the fuel when Kate comes back with two cups in her hands.

"Baby" she says with a beaming smile as she puts the cups in the holders. "There's the cutest dog I've ever seen. It's the owner's dog. A Corgi cross with a Lab, she's so beautiful. Her name is Nachos"

Antonio laughs and gets back into the car. He takes a sip of his drink and grabs a few chips out of the bag Kate opened a while earlier.

"Nachos? What a we-"

"Don't you say it's a weird name; I think it's a beautiful name"

"You want a dog don't you?"

"We can't with our schedules, it's sad but I can always stare at dog pictures and other dogs. It's okay"

Antonio smiles and kisses her temple, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, bye Nachos" she says loudly and Antonio laughs as they drive off.

"You sure you don't want me to drive?"

"We'll get there by Christmas then, so no, I'm fine"

"You're a very mean man Antonio. I'm not sure I like you very much"

"You love me, but you can't argue. You drive like my grandma"

"Grandma Lettie is an excellent driver, as am I."

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