Chapter 23

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One month later

There's been no word from Antonio and the side-line updates from Erin have also come to a halt.

I've been feeling sick these last few days, always nauseous, temperamental.

I pay no mind to it since I have back to back surgeries.

When I'm done with my last surgery, after doing my post ops I walk to the pit and frown when I see the calendar.

21 November

"You're staring at that calendar like it's a ghost." Natalie smirks.

"I think I'm pregnant" I whisper and Natalie squeals, "That's amazing!"

"You think so?" I ask, biting my lip and Nat laughs, "Yeah, have you done a pee stick?"

"Not yet"

"Come on, we're doing it now"

I get a pee stick in the storage room and we walk into the bathroom.

I pee while Nat waits outside and when I'm done I walk out of the stall.

The clock ticks, 5 minutes is finally over.

"You check; I'm too nervous" I tell her and she grins.

"Congratulations girly, you're indeed pregnant"

I grin, "Can we do the blood tests quickly? I don't usually trust a stick"

"Let's go do it"


I have another surgery that I'm scrubbing in for when Natalie comes in.

"I got the tests; you're pregnant – one month. Congratulations"

"Thanks Nat" I grin, my hearts wells with excitement. I'm pregnant.


I never do this – I never do this

After work, I drive off to the district and ask Sergeant Platt to call Hank.

Hank smiles softly at me as he jogs down the stairs

"I never do this; I normally keep my head out of Antonio's work but I'm pregnant, Hank, and I need to know if he's safe and where he is"

Hank lets out a happy laugh and embraces me tightly, "You're pregnant"

"I found out today. It's still early – things can happen, but I'm pregnant and I really want to tell my husband."

"Antonio's high up right now, it won't be long anymore. I promise. I'm meeting him tomorrow; I'll give you an update I promise"

"Thanks Sergeant, I appreciate it"

"Congratulations again Kate"

I give him another hug and drive off to the house. Gabby's car is there when I get back and I smile, she knows how much I hate being alone.

"Sister, Loui's in school so I brought pizza; milkshakes and a slab chocolate. I also have Tequila"

"I can't drink though" I beam, I'm shaking with excitement.

"You always drink and you're not working tomorrow-"

"I can't drink because I just found out that I'm pregnant"

Gabby quieted down and then she squealed, "You're pregnant!"

"I am. I'm pregnant" I tear up and she hugs me tightly, "Congratulations sissy. Have you told Antonio?"

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