Chapter 6

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11 months later – 19 December 2015

Their wedding day

Gabriella Dawson sprays on perfume, she's in the room where her future sister in law's getting ready to marry Antonio Dawson, her true love.

The champagne is flowing, the country music is soft. The bride is in the bathtub as her bridesmaids are getting their hair and makeup ready.

Erin is the last one for makeup and hair check, and after she's done the girls, consisting of Gabriella Dawson; Erin Lindsay – Kate's maid of honor; Natalie Manning; Maggie Lockwood, all got in their dark blue dresses. The theme of the wedding is dark blue and white.

The photographer takes the girls outside for some bridesmaids' photographs while Katelyn stays with her future mother in law. Soon after her makeup is put on by the artist, her hair gets curled and styled. Perfume is sprayed on, and then she's put in her white wedding dress.

"Oh wow, look at you. My daughter"

Katelyn smiles at Debbie's words

"When Antonio told me that he met a girl, I never thought that 5 years later he'd marry her. I love you Katie, from now on you will be my daughter."

"Thanks Debbie. I love you too" Katelyn whispers and hugs her.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Debbie reminds her, "I'm bringing in Erin. It's almost time for the wedding"

"It's almost time for my wedding" Kate whispers and smiles.

Erin walks in and Debbie stays outside. The brunette's eyes fill with tears as she sees her best friend.

"Look at you" Erin whispers, "You're so beautiful"

Katelyn smiles at her, "I'm getting married"

Erin beams, "You're getting married today, to your true love"

"I can't cry, Victoria will be so mad if she has to redo my makeup"

Erin laughs and hugs Kate tightly, "I love you"

"That won't make me stop crying" She jokes, "I love you too very much"

"Let's go get you married"


Antonio's ready and waiting at the priest chair in the Church with Jay; Morrie; Doug and Matt Casey alongside him.

His eyes scan the people in the Church, over 80 people sits in the Church with happy smiles on their faces.

Meredith Olinsky sits in the front with her daughter Lexi and Lexi's boyfriend. Behind them sits Sharon Goodwin and her husband along with Ethan Choi; April Sexton; Connor Rhodes and his date; Sara Reese; Will Halstead.

Behind that group sits Trudy Platt and Mouch; Herrmann and his wife; Otis and his date; Wallace Boden and his wife; Joe Cruz and Leslie Shay. Kelly Severide sits next to Leslie.

CPD sits behind them, consisting of Adam Ruzek and Wendy; Kim Burgess; Kevin Atwater and Hank Voight. The late Jules Willhite's husband and children sits in the row behind them.

On the other side of the Church sits Antonio's entire family in front; Morrie and Doug's dates; and Morrie's parents; Dougie's mom and sister next to them.

Jay slapped his shoulder, the best man and best friend of Antonio smiles at him. "It's time."

First one to come in is Erin smiling with tears in her eyes, then it's Gabby followed by Maggie and Natalie. The organ starts to play, the wedding mars filling the Church, and the guests all stand up. Antonio turns his body to the door; his heart is in his throat.

The doors open to reveal the beautiful bride on the arm of Alvin Olinsky. Katelyn asked Alvin to give her away a few months ago. He's always been there for her, helped her through her family's death.

Antonio's face breaks out in a beaming smile, the love in his eyes are apparent to those watching him. Katelyn's veil-covered eyes are focused on Antonio, she sees nobody else but him.

Alvin and Kate walks up to him, the bride and groom's smiles get bigger with every step she makes.

Alvin drops a kiss on Kate's forehead and shakes Antonio's hand, "Treat her right" he whispers to Antonio and as soon as the groom nods his head Alvin walks off to where Meredith sits.

Antonio pulls back the veil and all he wants to do is kiss her.

The guests sit down and the priest starts talking

"We're gathered here today to witness the promise of eternal love between Antonio Dawson and Katelyn Mari Roberts. Their promise is to love and cherish each other for as long as they shall live. Through sickness and in health, through good and bad"

"Antonio, do you take Katelyn to be your lawful wedded wife, in sickness and in health; through the good times and the bad times for as long as both of you shall live?"

"I do"

Antonio smiles at his bride, she smiles back at him.

"Katelyn, do you take Antonio to be your lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health; through the good times and the bad times for as long as both of you shall live?"

"I do. Of course I do"

Antonio grins and Erin smiles through her tears. She's so proud of her best friend. She casts a glance at Jay in Antonio's corner. Gabby smiles at an oblivious Casey.

"The rings please" The priest smiles and Jay and Erin hand over the rings to the couple.

Antonio slides on a small diamond ring to her ring finger, occupied by the engagement ring he gave her months earlier.

Katelyn smiles and slides on Antonio's silver wedding band

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now pronounce to you Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Dawson, Antonio you may kiss your bride"

"Finally" Antonio breathes out and the applause of the Church greets their ears as Antonio kisses his wife.

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