Chapter 19

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I furrow my eyebrows when I get a 911 page from Maternity. I look at the patient's name and sprint down to the ward. I get there in a matter of seconds.

When I got there Gabby was panting while Matt was trying to comfort her.

"Well look at this, sister in law is having a baby!"

"I'm having a monster, that's what I'm having!" Gabby groans and I laugh

"Get my sister an epidural before she passes out please" I told the intern and he nodded.

"I tried calling Antonio, his phone is off" Matt says.

"He's undercover" I said softly. "You'll be okay Gabs"

"I need...this thing out of me Kate!" She grunts and I smile, "I know, I know, you're only dilated 5 centimetres. Hold on, do you need something?"

"N-no." she pants. I squeeze her hand and go to the intern. "I have a surgery, page me when something happens"

"Of course"

I walk back to Gabby, "I have a surgery in a few minutes, think you can hold on until I'm done?"

"I hope not" she says with a grin, "I hope I have the baby monster when you're done"

"Alright, that works. I'll see you soon. Mommy, daddy, congratulations"

I kiss Matt's cheek and Gabby's and I then walk off to the Cardio wing.


"Doctor Roberts, Maternity paged"

I look up from the open heart surgery and frown behind my mask, "Is it an emergency?"

"I-I don't know"

"Rose, please, find out. I have my hands in a man's chest, go find out."

"Alright doctor"

She walks out of the OR and I continue with my surgery.

"Hand me the 2O silk" I tell the scrub nurse and then start stitching the heart.

Rose comes back a while later, "Doctor Roberts, your sister in law had her baby, it's a boy. Mom and baby are both healthy"

"Oh that's fantastic" I gush, "Thank you Rose"


I scrub out and run to Maternity. Matt and Gabby's in the room with the new baby.

"You couldn't wait, could you?" I scold with a smile and Gabby laughs, "Told you I won't."

I walk closer and my eyes immediately tear up, "Auntie Katie, do you want to hold your nephew?"

I nod with tears, "Yes please"

I immediately start crying, "What's his name?"

"Carlos Loui Casey" Matt says with pride and I smile brightly, "Hallo Carlos Loui, you are the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. I'm your aunt Kate, I will always have ice cream"

Gabby and Matt laughs, I hold him for another 30 minutes and then give him back to his mother.

"He's so beautiful, I am so proud of you two"

"Is my idiot brother coming soon?" Gabby asks, Carlos is in his father's arms, sleeping.

"I hope so. He said the undercover gig's only supposed to last 13 hours."


It's almost midnight, and for the 8th time today I call Antonio. He's supposed to be back already.

His phone is still switched off so I hang up and call the district.

"District 21, Sergeant Cass speaking"

"Uh, hi, I'm looking for Antonio Dawson, is he in?"

"Who's asking?"

"His wife Katelyn"

"He just walked in, can I leave a message?"

"Yeah, tell him his sister just had her baby at Chicago Med, and tell him to answer his damn phone or his wife might kill him"

The sergeant chuckles softly, "Will do"

"Thank you Sergeant. Bye"

I hang up, "The desk sergeant will tell him."

I stay with the new parents for a while when I get another page, "ugh, dammit" I whisper

"What's wrong?" Matt asks

"I've got a consult; I'm supposed to be off shift" I whine and Matt laughs, "Doctor Kate Roberts is never off shift."

"I'll see you guys later okay?"


I walk off to the ER where my consult is happening

"I asked for a Cardio consult and they send me to you, didn't you finish out 14 hours already?" Doctor Smith asks me, he's an older doctor, general surgery, always taking care of me and Manning since we're the only female surgeons at Med.

"My sister in law had her baby, I never signed out shift. But I'm fine, got my third life an hour ago"

He chuckles, "I have a patient, mid-twenties, self-inflicted gunshot to the abdomen, she has a murmur in her chest, never had history of heart problems"

"I'll take a listen" I say and take off my stethoscope, I frown deeply as I hear the type of murmur, it's very familiar.

I turn to nurse Sexton, "get me an ultrasound please"

"Ultrasound?" Doctor Smith asks, furrowing his eyebrows

"I hope I'm wrong, but, it sounds to me like there's more than one heartbeat"

Sexton brings me the ultrasound and I immediately gel up the patient, I start scanning her and Smith draws in a sharp breath.

"Patient's pregnant"

"How far along is she?" Sexton asks with a frown

"2 months"

"You think she tried to kill the baby that's why she shot herself?"

Smith and I look at each other and he speaks first, "Call PD"

Since this isn't really in my field, I had to step away but Smith told me he'd keep me in the loop since it was my find.

I walk back to Maternity, Gabby's staying overnight. Antonio's there and I smile as he rolls his eyes

"Checking up on me now Roberts?"

"You bet your sexy ass I am"

He grins and kisses my temple. Mom and baby are both sleeping and Matt's also making himself ready to sleep so Antonio and I say goodbye and leave.

I yawn and Antonio chuckles; "Put your hand in front of your mouth"

"Can we sleep for 8 years?" I ask him softly and Antonio smiles, "You had a long day?"

I grab his hand, "Yeah, and you – how was the undercover gig?"

"Fine, I'm used to more extreme cases."

"I hate the extreme cases"

Antonio chuckles, "I know. You know it's bound to happen again, right?"

"I do"

"Doctor Roberts" a resident walks over to me, "Doctor Smith sent me."

I perk up, "How's the patient- the baby?"

"Bullet missed the baby's vital organs, hit him in the leg but Croux delivered him and he's in the NICU now, mom is fine, police are questioning her but she's in major trouble"

"Thanks Doctor Peters"

"You got it"

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