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It’s been a week since I’ve been living in this hell-hole and nothing seems to be going my way, not even the new escape plan I was coming up with. See, in order for my plan to work out, Draven had to at least acknowledge my existence but instead, he came to loath it. However, there’s some-what good news about my current situation. I made progress with the vampires. I haven’t really had an actual conversation with any of them but I didn’t ignore them or mentally gag every time I see them either, which I think is a big step for me. They seem to think that I was “finally” getting used to my new home which is probably the reason why they hadn’t forced themselves to feed on me.
I rummaged through my luggage and smiled when I noticed the little wooden box, safely tucked right underneath some of my clothes. I picked it out gently and placed it on the dressing table before opening it to reveal a locket necklace that I had received from my father. I opened the locket and stared at the single picture of my mother and father, both smiling genuinely, their cheeks slightly pressed against each other’s. I quickly shut the locket, blinking away my tears as I straightened my posture. Relax Adriana, it’s not like you’re never going to see them again.
“I should get ready.” I mumbled to myself, staring up at the huge clock that hung on the wall. It was 7:30 pm, almost time for dinner and I can’t be late. It was always my usual routine to eat as soon as possible and leave the room. I quickly stripped off my clothes and rushed to pick out an outfit. Sighing, I grabbed a huge grey sweater and a pair of black shorts. As I slipped them on, I realized that the sweater reached up to my mid-thighs, covering the shorts that I wore underneath.
“Nope, let’s go with a tight.” I told myself and was about to grab a black leggings when the door flew open and in came Ferra, wearing a night gown that barely concealed her, well, anything.
Shit, I forgot to lock the door.
“Be more careful, what if it was one of the guys?!” my inner voice hissed at me and I sighed before returning my gaze back to Ferra who was now walking up to my dressing table.
“They’ll be a blood bath tonight.” she barely muttered under her breath and I narrowed my eyes at her.
“What do you mean?” I asked, watching her pick up my necklace before opening the locket and scoffing at the picture. “If you’ve got nothing to say, leave.” I spoke softly and she turned around to face me, her thick brown hair flawlessly flipping to a side.
“I’m letting you know in case you decide to bail out,” she sneered, furrowing her eyebrows together in annoyance. “Again.” She added, leaning against the table and peering at me.
“Please put that necklace down.” I said, closing the wardrobe and exhaling deeply. Guess I’ll have to change when she leaves.
“Just saying, Adriana. The boys are going to have a different course of food tonight and a different…” she paused, gently tangling the necklace in-between her fingers. “Drink.” She finished and I stared at her in disbelief.
“What do you mean? I thought they feed at midnight or outside where-”
“This is their home. What did you expect? That they would keep playing nice just because we’re newbies?” she cut me off and I gulped softly before shaking my head.
“I’m not going then. I can’t watch them drink…” I trailed away, mentally gagging at the thought that they’ll be having human blood as a drink rather than wine.
“That’s why I’m here darling, to change your mind.” Ferra said with a giggle and I watched her clutch my locket tightly before walking up to the door.
“Wait, that’s mine-”
“You want it? The come and get it.” She taunted, as if she’s taken candy from a child and I furrowed my eyebrows together.
“It’s not funny, that’s what my father gave-” before I could finish, Ferra bolted out of the room and with a low growl, I ran after her.
“I’m throwing this useless shit!” I heard her yell from across the hallway and I started to panic immediately.
“Don’t, that’s my…” I trailed away, dreading at the thought that I might lose the one thing that reminded me of my parents, not to mention, my past life. Just as I reached halfway along the hallway, my face connected to a solid, hard chest and I stumbled back a little before I caught my balance.
“Sorry-” I stopped when I noticed Draven frowning down at me, his eyes scanning me from head to toe before tilting his head to a side, painstakingly slow, might I add, which made me feel very uneasy. 
“What’s the hurry, doll face?” he asked, putting on his expressionless mask and I shivered upon hearing his voice.
“I-my necklace,” I huffed, standing on my tiptoes and glancing past his shoulders to see if Ferra was still at the end of the hallway but to my disappointment, she was nowhere to be seen now. “Ferra took my necklace. It’s very precious to me and I need to get it back.” I said finally and was about to walk past him when he grabbed a hold of my wrist.
“Why get so worked up over a stupid necklace?” he questioned and I looked up at him, feeling a little frustrated that he was stopping me for no apparent reason.
“It’s what my father gave me. It’s the only thing I have which reminds me of my parents” I responded, tears slightly welling in my eyes and Draven gave me a very long look before he “tsked” at my response.
“Crying over dumb shit is your special move, hunh?” he muttered in exasperation and I went silent at his rude words. “Wait here.” He mumbled before disappearing from the hallway. Around 10 seconds passed before he appeared in front of me and I gasped then sighed in relief. I was supposed to be used to their powers by now but come on, wouldn’t you get a mini heart attack if someone just popped out of nowhere in front of you?
Draven held up the necklace with his index finger and a hopeless smile spread across my face as I reached up to grab it. The smile on my face disappeared as soon as it came because as soon as I tried to snatch the it, Draven pulled his hand away and I stopped to look at him.
“W-I-I-F-D,” he said some letters, painfully slow and I gave him another look in confusion. “What’s in it for Draven?” he asked, revealing what the letters stood for and I stared at him in disbelief.
“I-I don’t know? I didn’t think I had to pay a price.” I mumbled and he shook his head before leaning against the wall behind him, muttering something to himself.
“Everything costs a price, doll face.” He stated and I shrugged, tugging at the end of my sweater, almost forgetting that I was wearing this short thing. I looked up and Draven’s eyes swiftly shifted from my thighs to my face and I shook away the uncomfortable feeling. “If you want it back then come for the dinner tonight. I know you’re planning to avoid it.” He said, raising his voice suddenly and I shook my head.
“No, not tonight.” I said, shaking my head, causing my hair to dance around my face.
“I’m trying to be nice here,” his voice turned all low and cold before he took a step forward, his eyes turning a shade darker as I gulped softly. “So I suggest you play nice as well, Adriana.” He stated, giving me a small glare and I stood silently, my eyes lost in his icy blue eyes for a second before I snapped back to reality.
“Okay…” I gave in and a victorious smirk appeared on his face before he turned around and started walking.
“Wait!” I called, quickly straddling next to him but he kept silent as we walked side by side. “My necklace.” I reminded him but he completely ignored me again which ticked me off.
“I’ll only return it back if you manage to behave tonight.” He said finally, walking down the stairs and my heart raced at his words.
“But I am behaving well now, I can’t promise anything about tonight because everyone is going to feed at the dinner table and-” I stopped rambling when Draven hissed before turning around to face me, making me come to a sudden halt.
“Fuck off now.” He said bitterly and my jaws dropped open at his words. A person can be rude only to an extent. I kept silent and watched him march into the dining room and slowly followed him inside. Alaric, Kevin and Finn were already at the table and soon enough, everyone else joined us.
“Come sit next to me babe, you look cute as fuck.” Raymond cooed and I stood in my position as everyone peered at me. The girls scowled and scoffed at my awkwardness but I couldn’t help it. Slowly, I took a seat, my stomach instantly growing sick when I noticed the wine glasses that were now filled with some dark red liquid. I didn’t have to ask anyone to know what it was.
“Cheers, to us!” Tyrell said out loud, holding up a glass and everyone one else raised their glasses as well. Draven, as usual, sat quietly in his chair, staring at the table and shooting me a glare every now and then. God, he despised me on a whole new level. There was no way I would ever be able to use him if he hated me to this extent.
“Let’s do something fun this weekend. How about we go on a trip?” Kevin suggested and the girls immediately agreed, except me of course. I played with my food and took a bite out of the steak before looking up to face Vincent, who was now staring at me across the table, his gaze completely glued on my face and I stopped chewing.
“What?” I asked with a mouth full and he chuckled before shaking his head.
“Nothing, eat.” He grinned and I went back to chewing. I felt Draven’s eyes burning holes through my face and was about to turn to look at him when Edward called my name.
“Adriana! How about it, a trip with all of us?” He exclaimed and a nervous chuckle escaped through my lips.
“Not that she has a choice.” Draven mumbled and I turned to look at him. “Make the plans and get ready soon.” Draven said impatiently and I wondered how anyone was able to put up with his attitude.
“Irene, sweetheart, come here.” I heard Tyrell say before Irene popped up from her seat and sat on his lap. I watched her slide her hair to a side and Tyrell immediately started licking all over her neck hungrily and seductively. I blushed slightly when a moan escaped through her lips but at the same time, it disgusted me that I was about to witness a first-hand soft porn. Tyrell’s eyes turned a shade darker and I watched his fangs graze against her skin before I quickly turned away.
“Let the dinner begin!” Danny exclaimed and the girls hurried out of their seats, picking one of the handsome guys to sit with. It wasn’t long before moans and screams filled the room as the guys ruthlessly dug their fangs inside the girl’s neck, sucking the blood out hungrily. My hands started trembling and I wanted to run but my body was too terrified to move now. The door suddenly flew open and I turned to look at a bunch of girls walking in, some of them only wearing a bra and panties.
“It’s been a while, ladies.” Danny’s voice echoed through the room as the girls rushed towards the men, each one of them sitting on their laps and I stared at them in shock. I can’t believe all of this was really taking place right now! And where the hell did these girls come out from anyways?
“Can I be excused?” I asked softly, ripping my eyes from the girls and turning to look at Draven who sipped some blood from his glass and I held back the urge to gag.
“No. If you’re not going to join, then you’re going to have to stay here and get used to it.” He said, leaning back in his chair and I bit my bottom lip before averting my gaze back to my lap.
“Adriana darling, come here.” Kevin’s voice was barely audible and I looked at him. He already had two girls beside him and his whole mouth was covered in blood but he managed to wipe it off with a tissue.
“For god’s sake Adriana,” Edward whined across the room and I kept silent, tears threatening to fall. Was tonight finally the night they were going to feed on me?
“Come here.” Edward said and I shook my head. Edward can’t seem to take “no” for an answer because the next thing I knew, he had my chin cupped in his hand, turning my face to look up at him as he bent down, leaning his chest against the back of my chair.
“I can’t, please…” I choked out and he let out a sigh before leaning closer to my face.
“I like you Adriana, I do,” he started and my eyes widened when I noticed his blue eyes getting a shade darker, a sign that he was either mad or hella-starving. “But it’s getting very hard to resist you.” He barely mumbled the words and I froze in my position.
“Edward, don’t, give her a little more time. Adriana come here, I’ll keep you company for now.” Vincent said, raising his voice and I heard Edward groan in frustration before standing up straight and releasing me from his grip. 
“More, more, suck as much as you want.” I heard Ferra and the girls moan and I quickly stood up from my position. I was about to walk over to the other side of the table where Vincent was sitting but just as I stood up from my position, my knees connected to the very corner of the table and I yelped in pain as I crouched down on the floor. Karma was being a bitch tonight because as soon as I got up on my feet, my head connected at the back of the table and I heard a loud “crash” before everyone in the room grew quiet. My eyes widened when I saw the wine glass, shattered all over the floor and I quickly rushed to pick up the pieces of broken glass.
“I’m sorry, it was an accident.” I apologized quickly, trying to pick the pieces up and clean up the mess.
“Don’t, you’re going to-” before Draven could finish, I winced in pain when I felt a sharp object pierce through my skin. “Cut yourself.” Draven muttered and I stared at the blood trickling down my finger and onto my palm.
“I’m sorry for causing so much trouble!” I said out loud, standing up and staring at everyone. It took me a few seconds to realize that every single guy in the room was now staring at me, their eyes growing pitch black, sending shivers down my spine. What was up with them?
“Be more careful! Why do you always keep messing things up for all of us and-”
“Adriana, you’re hurt…” Raymond cut off Julie and I stared at him in confusion before realization came crashing down on me like waves.
“Ah-this, I’m fine!” I said, quickly wiping the blood on my sweater and taking a step back. 
“Your blood, it smells…” Edward trailed off, pushing off the girl on his lap and I watch almost every guy in the room take a step forward towards me, causing my heart to drop. Wh-what was going on?
“Delicious.” Danny finished and my hands started trembling at his words.
“I-I’ll be going.” I choked out quickly and turned to leave when Kevin appeared in front of me, causing me to gasp and recoil in fear. 
“I knew there was something special about you.” He said, fixating his eyes on my fingers and I took several steps back before bumping into someone else. I spun around to face Finn who was now glaring down at me. It wasn’t long before half of the guys huddled around me and the torture of my indecision and fear threatened to crush me. I felt like a prey surrounded by its merciless and ruthless predators.
“Stop…” was all I could choke out, tears already streaming down my face as I tried to keep calm.
“You guys, calm the fuck down!” I heard Vincent shout across the room but none of them seemed to listen.
“I’m going first.” I heard Alaric say and just as he was about to take a step forward, Draven interrupted his actions. 
“Leave her alone.” Upon hearing Draven’s voice, everyone’s eyes softened and just like loyal pets, they took a step back obediently. By now, I was on the floor, my whole body trembling as I tried to take in what was happening. What just happened?!
I gulped in a sob before a shadow towered over me and I looked up to face Draven, who was now bending down to look at me, his eyes not wavering for even a second. 
“I-I didn’t do anything, I swear I was just-”
“I know.” He said softly, picking me up in his arms before my head started to feel dizzy. It wasn’t long before I ended up in my room and he quickly placed me down.
“Clean that up.” He said shortly, pointing at my fingers and then my knees. I looked down and noticed the small scrape on my right knee before going silent.
“I’m lost, why were they-?” I stopped when Draven shot me a glare.
“The blood obviously! Now hurry up and patch it up before I change my mind and take you back downstairs.” He spat out, hunger filling his eyes and I quickly shook my head, fear rushing all over my face. I don’t understand. My blood was just like any other blood so why were they all trying to attack me?
“I don’t have a Band-Aid.” I murmured, brushing away the dried up tears and Draven took a deep breath before disappearing out of the room. He returned back with a small first-aid box and ordered me to sit down on the bed. I did as I was told and quietly sat on the bed as I tried to figure out why the guys had gone all maniac on me back there.
“Give me your finger.” Draven said, sitting down on the bed next to me and I didn’t question him. He was about to patch it up but stopped to stare at the blood dripping down my fingers, hunger suddenly filling his eyes again and my stomach turned to ice instantly.
“Draven…” I choked out when he held my hands, bringing them closer to his lips, carefully studying my hands and inhaling deeply. “Don’t.” I pleaded but it was too late. Draven leaned closer as he licked off the blood from my fingers and exhaled deeply, as if he was satisfied with what he just tasted. I closed my eyes shut, ready to face what was coming next but to my surprise, I felt no more pain.
“I’m not going to do anything, relax.” I heard him say and I opened my eyes to watch him patch up my cut.
“I-I thought you were going to…”I trailed away.
“Feed on you? I can assure you, doll face, that day will be coming very soon.” He said, motioning me to turn around and bring up my knee. I turned to face him and brought up my knees on the bed and he stared at my small scrape, as if he was contemplating to whether he should lick off the blood or not.
“Can I ask you something?” I asked to which he responded with a quick “no” but I wasn’t expecting a “no” so I continued speaking. “What happened to them back there?” I asked and stopped when I realized what he had just said. He gave me a rather annoyed look before picking out another Band-Aid from the box and patching up my knee.
“I told you already.” He muttered, closing the box and standing up to leave.
“Wait, but I don’t understand,” I started, grabbing his finger and he turned to give me another look, his eyes shifting from my eyes to my hand that was now gripping his little finger tightly. I quickly released my grip and mumbled a sorry, feeling a little embarrassed for getting too clingy.
“It’s your blood. It’s different.” He finally said, turning away. “It has a different smell and taste than the normal ones we’ve drank so far” He finished and my mind went blank at his words.
“Is-is that a bad thing?” I finally stammered and I heard him chuckle softly. He glanced back at me and raised a brow before the corner of his lips curled into his usual cold smirk.
“For you? Yes,” he said, slipping his hands inside his pockets and turning away again.
“For me? No.”

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