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"If you need anything else, let me know." I offered, opening the door to my parents room. My parents room only had a bed sitting at one corner of the room and a small cupboard at the other end. Sure, the place was small compared to a mansion but my room was smaller and more cramped up. But I didn't really mind. I liked my room. It was sort of tiny but it was comfy and I liked small spaces to myself.
"I'll be fine." I snapped my head to notice him strip off his shirt, causing a blush to creep up on my cheeks.
"Don't just do that." I turned away, my movements stiffening when he took a step forward.
"Hmm?" his tone was laced with fake amusement and I took a step back, the sound of his heavy footsteps approaching making my heart pound loudly against my chest. "As far as I am concerned, I was changing in my room." he stood right in front of me and I stumbled back when he leaned closer, my eyes roaming anywhere but his face now. My breath hitched once more when my back brushed against the door and I tried my best to hold my composure but it was hard to with Draven leaning his face closer to mine now.
"Ye-yes but what I was saying was that-" I stopped when his arms extended to grab the doorknob, his fingertips slightly brushing against my waist before I met his intense gaze again.
"Leave. I have to change." He opened the door and I stumbled back outside. I watched him swiftly close the door as I stood there in shock before letting out a sigh in relief. I was in so much trouble. How am I supposed to act normal with him around anyways? I can't. I just couldn't. But I have to try, right?
A few days passed and Draven and I never had the chance to exchange a single sentence properly. Mostly because he wouldn't let me talk to him. Somehow, he always manage to brush me off, no matter what I throw at him, and he would always go out after leaving me with one of the Ardelean brothers. The cold silent treatment really bothered me. I understand that he is upset but did he really have to ignore me to this extent?

The sound of my phone ringing made my senses pull back to reality and I picked up instantly.
"Hey, you wanna hang out at my place? Mark and I plan to watch a movie or something." Emily's tone was getting more cheerful than usual and I mentally let out a sigh, not exactly thrilled with the idea but then again, this was better than staying here and seeing Draven ignore me over and over again.
"I'll be there soon." I hung up, closing my eyes briefly for a few seconds. I was starting to have a slight headache now and for some reason, my body felt sore. Maybe I have been over stressing about Draven lately and it's making me go crazy.
With a soft groan, I got out of bed and grabbed my bag, not even bothering to change into a more decent outfit. A random short and tank top will have to do for the night. I walked downstairs and stopped to look at Draven, who just walked into the house. It was almost 11pm but then again, this wasn't new. He'd always come home late.
"Where're you going?"
"Just out." I mumbled and froze when he suddenly appeared in front of me, making me gasp in shock. I watched his eyes roam down my body shamelessly before he took a step forward, slowly lifting an eyebrow but his eyes held no emotion and I could feel myself heating up. God, why did he have to stare at me like this.
"Sure." he said dryly before walking past me and I exhaled deeply before heading out.
"How long do you plan to let him stay?"
"Emily's right. He's bad news." Mark chimed in and I ignore them, continuing to watch the movie.
"Adriana, I know you are avoiding the topic-"
"Yes, I am. I don't like talking about it." I stated carefully. My friends only brought me here to ask questions about Draven. And I didn't like it.
"You can kick him out. It's not like you let him stay or wanted him to live with you in the first place-" Mark stopped to narrow his eyes at me and I slightly flinched before looking at Emily. "Your eyes wavered. Don't tell me-"
"Listen, you guys, I actually don't feel well tonight. Can I go home early?" I stood up and noticed Emily frown at my obvious lie. Partly a lie, because I really was not feeling well but that's not the reason why I actually wanted to go home.
"Will you be okay? It's already late. I'll drop you off." Mark got up and I shook my head but he wasn't exactly the type to listen either. He gave me the firm look and I sighed in defeat before hugging Emily, quickly walking out. I stepped in Mark's car and he drove me off to my place. The ride was quiet, mostly because I was tired and Mark was still upset about me letting Draven stay over at my place. I understand where he's coming from but I it was my choice to let him stay. And it would be rude to kick him out now, especially when he's done nothing wrong. After we arrived at my place, Mark started walking me up to my porch and I looked up, my eyes instantly freezing on Draven, who was now leaning against the wall, right next to the door, his hands firmly folded across his chest, revealing all his tensed muscles. His blue eyes briefly met mine before they returned to Mark's and I could have sworn I saw the corner of his lip twitch slightly before he raised a brow at us.
"I'll be going then." Mark quickly waved me off and I watched him scurry away before I could even say anything. Biting my bottom lip slightly, I turned to find Draven still staring at me, his eyes slightly narrowing but they still held no emotion, whatsoever.
"Um, why are you out here?"
"I had to take care of something with Danny."
"Oh okay. Let's go inside for now." I felt disappointed but didn't let it show.
"Don't stay out too late. It's not safe." I stopped to look at him. His eyes wavered and I slowly nodded, not exactly in the mood to try kicking up another conversation that was eventually going to fail again. He had no intention of having me around and for now, I just want to stop stressing about it. Plus, with my headache now acting up, I had no plans to make it worse with an argument with Draven.
I stumbled upstairs and felt Draven's piercing gaze on my back, causing a shiver down my spine.
"Are you okay?" I stopped when I heard his familiar cold, emotionless voice. For a few seconds, I just stood there, surprised that he would even bother to ask me how I was, but then my eyelids drooped and I remembered how things weren't the same between us anymore.
"Yeah." I replied shortly, not turning around and walked back upstairs into my room. As soon as I stepped inside the room, I took a long shower and changed into my plain black short and casual shirt, loosening my hair before I settled in bed. I closed my eyes and sighed, my mind finally coming to an ease. Don't think Adriana, just sleep.
"Kill yourself, Adriana." Lianna's voice echoed through my mind, a sadistic smirk curling across her lips as she stared down at my body. body?!
I shot up from the bed, my eyes squinting a little before I let out a painful groan, the side of my head still hurting.
"Just a dream..." I mumbled, replaying the words in my head. Her words. Guess I really was going crazy. How badly did I want to make her a bad person anyways? To think that I would dream about her doing something like that. I really was getting desperate.
Feeling more upset with myself, I got up from the bed and went to grab a glass of water.
Kill yourself, Adriana.
Her voice rattled through my brain again and I closed my eyes shut, almost slamming the glass of water on the table. Why? Why do I keep replaying that sentence in my head? It was just a dream...right? So why, why does it seem so real...? Like it really happened before-
I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed Draven stepping into the kitchen, shirtless, and only wearing his usual sleeping joggers. I tore our gaze and gave him space to open the fridge. He grabbed a blood bag from the freezer and I slightly flinched as I watched him drink it, awfully calmly at that. None of us said anything and for once, I didn't have the energy to start up a topic either. My head started to spin a little and I gasped when I stumbled forward, only to have my face bump into something hard. I looked up at Draven, who was now wrapping an arm around my waist loosely, the other still holding his "drink".
"Ah, sorry." I sat up straight and Draven didn't say anything, instead, he fixated his gaze on mine, his warm sea blue eyes piercing into my soul and holding them in place. Not being able to take the intense atmosphere, I quickly walked back up to my room and settled back in bed, burying the bedsheet up to my chin.
Kill yourself, Adriana.
I tightened my eyes shut and shook those thoughts away. Why the hell does that keep coming up?! It was just a dream. A bad dream, and I need to stop obsessing over it right now.
My eyes snapped towards the door that slowly opened to reveal Draven, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw the glass or red liquid he was now holding in his hand. I knew exactly where this was going.
"No, thank you." I rejected politely before he could even offer it. Draven simply stood in front of my bed and I cuddled back inside the sheet a bit, my eyes landing on his legs as he hovered over my figure in front of the bed.
"Drink, you're sick."
"I'm fine." I insisted and bit my bottom lip when the the bed sunk in as he sat down. I edged further away and looked up to meet his eyes, a slight hint of worry flashing inside of them before they disappeared.
"It'll make you feel better. There is no point in getting sick like this when you can get better." He was right. But I wasn't having it tonight. The awful nightmare and the growing sick feeling in my stomach caused because of it was not helping me at all right now. And a glass of blood was certainly not going to do the trick either.
"No, thank you. I'll sleep and-" I stopped when I heard Lianna's voice ring through my brain yet again. Something was not right. Why do I keep hearing her words over and over again? The way she was staring down at me in the seemed so real.
"You're sick, Adriana. Just try to-"
"I said that I am fine!" I almost brushed the glass of blood away from his hand as he handed it to me but Draven easily shifted them away from my grasp. I got up from the bed, my whole body and mind now aching painfully as I started to go grab some medicine. A figure stepped in front of me before I could even take a step forward and I looked up at Draven helplessly, not wanting to talk to him at all last now.
"Just leave me alone tonight, Draven. I don't need your blood everytime I get hurt. I have to get used to the normal healing and normal medicine. What am I supposed to do when you're not around then? Are you going to-"
"Drink." He cut me off, calmly slipping his hands into his joggers and I watched him nod at the glass, that was now placed on the small table right next to my bed.
"No." I started to move past him but Draven followed my movements and blocked my way, my nose almost touching his chest now.
"Draven, can you just-"
"Drink or I'll make you drink it, I'm not kidding around anymore." his voice turned dangerously low and I didn't even bother to give in this time.
"Niether am I."
"Adriana, your fever is acting up. Your headache is only going to get worse and..." his voice faded away at the point and I heard Lianna's voice again, repeating those three words in my head all over again. Kill yourself, Adriana.
"Move." I warned Draven, my whole body boiling in anger at the thought of Lianna.
Draven's emotionless look only made me more furious and with a huff, I pushed his chest, but he wouldn't even budge an inch.
"Drink and I'll leave. I promise." he assured and I gave him a long hard stare before bolting towards the table, grabbing the glass of red liquid and gulping it down. Halfway, I gagged, spitting out some of the blood on the ground, my body already drooping down onto the floor. I shivered when I felt a hand rub my back and I looked up to find Draven starting at me, his blue eyes mixing up in emotions. I inhaled deeply and froze when his fingers brushed against the corner of my lips before he slowly pulled away, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body. He was only wiping the blood, please don't freak out, Adriana.
"I'll get you some water." He stood up and disappeared, leaving my heart to pound against my chest heavily.
I closed my eyes for a few seconds but they flew open the second I heard someone walk back inside the room. I stood up and turned around, ready to tell Draven not to worry but stiffened my eyes met the figure ahead of me. It felt like my whole body stopped responding, my blood freezing so cold until my fingers started to tremble and my breathing's became ragged.
No-no way.


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