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So let me get this straight, you want to break off things with Draven? Someone you’re not exactly in a relationship even but-”
“Emily, you know what I mean,” I cut her off impatiently. “He’s not mine, yes, but I want to make sure that he knows that. That I don’t want him.”
“Why? I mean, okay, I get why, he is an asshole but why the sudden change of heart? You were trying to win his heart at some point, remember? The whole, “I managed to get the heartless, cruel devil to fall in love with me” seemed to be going really well for you.” Emily’s words dripped in sarcasm and I simply ignored them, my thoughts fully intact by now.
“I’ve given it a lot of thought, Emily, and I don’t think I can keep doing this. Him treating me like shit at some point was one thing I brushed off but now he’s keeping hostages and doing god knows what to him-”
“But that’s what vampires do, Adriana, what were you expecting? It’s been like that since the beginning of history…” she trailed off with a sigh.
“I expected more from him Emily…he’s changed a lot, and as much as I wanted to ignore that and continue to see him as the devilish maniac he once was, I can’t. And I know I am stupid and naive to think that each and every person has good in them and-” I stopped to roll my eyes when Emily gagged at my words.
“You see the good in everybody, even when it’s not there, Adriana. And that’s your problem. Plus, after everything Draven did to you, you don’t deserve to even spare him a glance.” Emily muttered bitterly and I let out a final sigh in defeat. I know that what she’s saying is true but, what’s so bad about seeing the good in someone? Or trying to change someone for the better?
“So tell me a way to convince him? Should I just tell him?” I brushed my hair as Emily adjusted herself on my bed.
“But it’s kind of weird. Rumors have already been spreading around that Draven has changed and that he’s been so “nice” towards the humans lately. That he’s not allowing his brothers to force themselves on anyone for blood unless they are willing to offer on their own.” Emily pinched the bridge of her nose in confusion and suspicion.
“But still, it’s not good enough.”
“Yeah, but I’m just saying, if we are considering both sides then I can’t deny the fact that he’s changed too, for the better and for a vampire to actually have the heart to-”
“I said,” I inhaled deeply. “That’s not good enough for me, Emily.” I shook my head and Emily slowly nodded.
“Hey, I got to go, my mom’s calling.” She suddenly jumped up as her phone started ringing and I let out a groan in disappointment.
“Wait, so tell me what to do?”
“I don’t know, just ignore him or something until he loses feelings, we’ll talk later.” She waved at me before leaving. With a sigh, I laid down back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, my mine filling up with so many thoughts at once.
Okay, so maybe he did change a bit for the good, but like I said, it’s not good enough for me anymore. I can’t keep trying to change him and constantly reminding him that his attitude needs to change already. One minute, he is caring and a little nice and the next minute, he goes all out. Plus, him keeping Zavier locked up and trying to hide it from me was the worst mistake he did. Sure, he released him right after I practically begged him the whole of that night, but that really doesn’t change anything, does it? Because he’ll do it again and again if he has to. And that’s not right. Moreover, for some reason, I don’t want to keep moving back and forth with him. It’s tiring and exhausting and I honestly can’t take it anymore.
“Alright.” I finally decided, not wanting to contemplate any more thoughts. I’ll just ignore him. That was the best way for me to make him see that I wasn’t interested. I'll do it.

For the next week or so, I kept my word, completely ignoring Draven and brushing away any of his kind gestures and compliments. Obviously, he was taken aback but I think that at some point, his pride took over when he decided to act like he didn’t care and I was more than relieved when it happened. Okay, I lied a little. I wasn’t exactly happy about it but I wasn’t that sad about it either. Maybe this was for the best. The fact that I had anything to do with someone like him, really gets to me sometimes. I mean, how naive and stupid was I to let him in when he treated me like that? How was I able to keep forgiving him and forgetting everything he did? He literally fed on me against my will, pushed me around and was extremely rude with me, not to mention, Lianna and everything that went down with her too. How could I just let them go and act like none of that happened? On top of all that, how could I grow feelings for him? Was it because he was being so nice to me all of a sudden? Acting all caring and protective? Did that really move my heart to the point that I forgot all the terrible things he’s done?
“Oh, just stop,” I groaned and smiled a little, looking out of the window. Fat drops of rain was now splattering on the window and I let out a sigh, closing my eyes briefly. You did the right thing. Why were you even trying to change him?

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