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“You wouldn’t dare...” I barely choked out and he took a step forward, decreasing the space between us but I didn’t dare to rip my eyes away from his face.
“Try me, doll face.” He challenged, slightly leaning his face closer and I fixated my gaze inside his blue eyes, searching for any sign of lie but there was none. He was being sincere right now.
“Why are you doing this-”
“Go back to your room,” he cut me off, taking a step back and giving me a glare. “Now!” he yelled, causing me to jump us and scurry out of the room like a scared puppy. As soon as I opened my room, I slammed the door behind me, releasing any anger I had left and plopping on the bed. I buried my face inside the pillows and went over Draven’s threats. There’s no way he would turn me into a vampire. It’s not only because I have a weak heart but it’s also because he can’t risk the chance of losing his image. “How ironic, becoming the one thing you despise the most. Shall we try it?” these words swam through my mind for the next half an before my eyelids gave in and I drifted off into a deep sleep.


“How long do we have to wait?” I heard Edward whine across the table and I glanced at the empty seat next to mine, where Draven usually sat. Everyone’s been waiting for breakfast and Draven has still not woken up which was highly unusual. He was almost never late.
“Adriana, why don’t you go call him?” I heard Vincent’s voice and my heart almost ripped out of my chest at his words.
“I’ll go, she doesn’t have to.” Ferra interrupted impatiently, her tone slightly turning annoyed and I couldn’t help but feel relieved.
“I didn’t ask you to, did I?” Vincent asked softly, his tone turning unexpectedly serious and annoyed which was strange because he was almost always sweet and gentle when he spoke to me. I always felt like he was picking his words carefully when it comes to me but then again, this could be his way of getting on my good side.
“Sorry.” I heard Ferra mutter before sitting back down and I looked at Vincent, giving him my pleading look but he wasn’t going to take “no” for an answer.
“Go, you want to get on his good side? This is your chance.” He stated, placing his elbows on the table and interlocking his fingers before giving me a small smile.
“I never wanted to-”
“Adriana, are you going to go or not? We’re going to start without him and if he gets upset about it, I’m blaming you for it.” Daniel growled and I snapped my head towards him before shooting up from my position and rushing towards the door.
“Was that really necessary?” I heard Vincent’s voice before I walked out of the room and practically jogged upstairs. I honestly cannot get into trouble today and I certainly cannot get blamed for something I had nothing to do with.
“Which room was it anyways?” I pondered, trying to remember the last time I saw Draven walk into his room. The door was definitely a black wooden door but that’s about all I got. As I passed through the hallway, I took a left turn and came across the familiar black, wooden door, which I assumed was Draven’s room. Taking one last breath, I knocked on the door several times but there was no response so I opened the door, walking in slowly, praying I didn’t anger him by walking inside without his permission. To my surprise, Draven was still lying on the bed, shirtless, revealing all his strong muscles, not to mention his six-packs. Snap out of it, Adriana. I quickly walked up to his bed and stared at his perfectly still body, his tattooed arm that had wrapped around a pillow. Someone could actually think he looked somewhat innocent from this perspective. His lips were curled in the most innocent way and he looked genuinely peaceful. I was about to call him when I noticed his eyelids suddenly tightening up, his lips curling downwards in displeasure or concern before letting out a soft groan.
“Get…away from her…,” he started painfully and I noticed a sweat rolling down from his forehead and along his perfectly structured jawline. “Dex…” he choked out, the color on his face draining away and I couldn’t help but reach out to touch his face, hoping he would calm down at my touch. My fingers barely grazed against his skin before he grabbed my wrists roughly, his eyes flattering open and I gasped when he jerked me towards him but somehow I managed to pull back in time without falling down on top of him. 
“What are you doing?” he questioned, sitting up from his position and I took a step back, holding my hands together from trembling.
“I was just here to wake you up.” I said softly and he gave me a look before bringing up one of his knees and slumping an arm on it, letting out a long sigh. “Everyone was waiting for you and they got worried.” I explained and he went silent for a few seconds which was surprising and new for me beyond words. Guess that nightmare really shook him up. Funny, I didn’t know Vampires had nightmares?
“Okay.” He said rather softly, another sign of a not-normal-Draven.
“You seemed troubled. Were you having a nightmare?” I couldn’t help but question out of curiosity and I watched Draven look at me from the corner of his eyes before averting his gaze.
“You don’t have to know,” he muttered, his voice returning back to his normal one. “Get lost.” He mumbled and I made a face before sighing softly.
“I’m sorry, I was just curious.” I said bitterly, lowering my eyelashes and I heard him mutter something under his breath before looking up at me.
“It’s about my ex-girlfriend.” He started and my jaws slightly dropped at his words. I don’t know which was more surprising, the fact that he was actually opening up to me or the fact that someone like him was actually able to get a girlfriend.
“What happened to her?” I asked, feeling a little awkward that I was willing to actually have a small-talk with this guy.
“Are you going to stand there like an idiot or come sit down?” he asked, not turning to look at me and I contemplated to whether I should actually sit down or not.
“Sorry.” I mumbled, sitting down next to him on the bed and he “tsked” before turning away.
“Stop apologizing for every damn thing, it’s annoying.” He muttered and I couldn’t help but blabber out another apology to which he responded with a hiss, shooting me a glare in the process.
“An-anyways, what happened to her?” I changed the subject and he leaned back a little.
“She was murdered.” He said shortly and my eyes widened at his words.
“By who-”
“By my best friend.” He barely muttered under his breath and at this point, I didn’t know what to say. He sure doesn’t know how to take a conversation slow, does he?
“How…why?” I questioned, moving closer to him from a side.
“She cheated on me with him and ended up getting brutally murdered, simple.” His answers remained short and more questions started pouring into my head but I managed to hold them intact. I don’t think it’s my place to ask him personal questions. Plus, I’m having a hard time believing his story.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” I said finally, not really wanting to continue this conversation any longer. Don’t get me wrong, I do feel bad for the girl and for what happened to him but that’s no excuse as to why he became a heartless monster. Your past shouldn’t define who you are but I guess this was probably his excuse as to why he was a merciless, short-tempered jerk. But was that good enough to justify his mistakes? No, not a chance. At least for me, it isn’t.
“You know,” he started softly, moving closer to my body and my heart skipped a beat when I realized the bed getting sunk as he settled behind me. “You remind me so much of her.” He said softly and I froze when I felt his cold hand slip around my chin from behind, his breath hitting the back of my neck, causing my heart to drop. 
“She was a fighter, just like you, kind, beautiful and alluring…” he whispered in my ears and my breath hitched at his words. I wanted to move but I couldn’t, it’s like my body was glued to the very spot now and I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to find the right words to say. “She was breathtakingly beautiful,” he whispered, his tone remaining disturbingly soft and sexy, might I add, but I’m glad I wasn’t feeling it. “Just like you.” He finished and my eyes widened when I felt his lips graze against my neck before he placed a soft and gentle kiss on them, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body.
“Don’t!” I found myself snapping, breaking from his grip and standing up. “Please…” I quickly added, remembering my “place” and I watched Draven tilt his head to a side before an amused smirk crept up on his face and I couldn’t help but frown at him.
“You’re blushing.” He stated and I pressed my lips together into a thin line.
Don’t misunderstand, it’s just a normal reaction. Anybody would-” before I could finish, Draven appeared in front of me and poked my forehead sharply, sending me stumbling back with a hiss. I’m guessing this was going to be a habit of his.
“Get lost.” He said, his tone remaining soft and I gave him one last look before walking out of the room, my heart racing ten times faster than it was before. What was that?

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