Chapter 37

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I hope I was able to do justice with the chapter. Please tell me your views on this chapter. Hope you all will enjoy it. ❤❤

When Ritha's brown orbs met with his oceanic blue one, the magical combination made the vibe around go goofy. Intense gaze of Augustus made Ritha gulp in nervousness while her heart was doing lub dub with regular acceleration.

All the while in the back of his mind, Augustus was in turmoil whether his feelings for Ritha are justified or not?

'Am I cheating on Valentina? Is it wrong? Can I reap feelings for Ritha?'

But his rational part told him that he deserves happiness. From past two years all he did was to punish himself for the crime he didn't commit. It was the fate which didn't allow him and Valentina to be together and it was nobody's fault. Valentina always wanted him and their son Justus to be happy. Justus loved Rithambara and this time, even he couldn't deny his love for Ritha. Moreover, it was not right to vent out his anger on Ritha for something she didn't do.

He couldn't imagine the strength of his wife who left her people and came with him. She has been a constant support to him and her will power was something he adored. Completely different from Valentina as a matter of fact different from everyone yet, the most beautiful.

After making up his mind to let go of past, he closed the distance between them and caressed her cheeks with his thumb. He brought his lips closer to hers and looked back into her eyes seeking her consent which she gave by pressing her soft lips on his. A shimmering smile broke on Augustus's lips seeing Ritha's gesture.

Their kiss emphasized the purity of their bond and unconfessed love which they had for each other. After kissing each other till eternity, they separated their lips and galloped huge amount of air to calm themselves.

Augustus smirked seeing flushed cheeks of Rithambara and whispered huskily in her ears, "you are a fast learner. This time your tongue worked perfectly. " Ritha's eyes went big in shock and she lightly hit on his biceps making him laugh. Augustus winked at her and smooched her pink cheeks.

After admiring her for a minute, he went down on his one knees and held her hand which amazed Ritha.
He spoke,

"My lady I have fallen for your charm,
Your presence is enough to make me calm.
I don't know when I fell for you,
I don't know when my heart started beating just for you.
You have strengthed me,
You have mended me.
Your strength is something which I adore,
Would you like to give me place in your heart's abode?

Ritha's mouth was open in amazement and all the while she was gaping at her poetic handsome husband. She never thought that her husband would start loving her so soon and would confess if through a poem. Her eyes went misty hearing such a beautiful confession from her husband.

"well, my lady, if a man proposes his woman, he expects answers in return. " spoke Augustus nervously after hearing no response from Ritha.

Ritha chuckled lightly before bending down at her husband's level.
She palmed his jaw and spoke lovingly, "You already have the full authority and permanent residence in my heart. I'm so lucky to have you as my husband and I couldn't have asked for anyone better than you."

The delight of Augustus's face was lightning the aura around and he looked lovingly at Ritha with an exciting smile playing on his lips. He removed Ritha's hands from his cheeks and kissed it.

Ritha continued pouring her thoughts, "you know that day when you told me that you will not give me the love which a wife deserves, I wasn't expecting anything from this marriage but I'm very thankful to Shiv ji and you for proving me wrong."

Hearing this, Augustus's smile vanished. He raised his eyebrow and asked in a suspecting voice with jealousy dripping out of it, "Who is Shiv ji? "

At first, Ritha didn't understand his question but the matter dawned upon her after few seconds and she started laughing carelessly. Seeing no change in her husband's scaring expression, she explained him about Lord Shiva. Augustus cursed himself mentally for such a stupid question.

After composing himself, he held Rithambara in his embrace and spoke,
"I want to take our relationship to next level only if you are comfortable in doing so. I don't want to rush into it and... " he stopped speaking hearing Ritha's voice which was not more than a whisper, "Even I want to... "

After a minute of silence, Augustus laughed heartily and spoke, "seems like I've to teach you a lot of things." after passing her a wink, he scooped her in his arms and walked towards the bed.

After gently placing her on the bed, he removed his shirt all the while maintaining the eye contact with Ritha. He hovered her and kissed her cheek very sensually and then slowly and gradually trailed his kiss below her jaw then on her neck making her shudder in response. She tilted her neck in the right side giving Augustus more space.

Ritha laughed silently when Augustus's light stubble tickled her neck. She tightly held his shoulders in pleasure and closed her eyes as if memorising each and every minute of this. Augustus pulled back and removed her Saree's drapes exposing her mid riff. His blue orbs hooded with desire looking at her creamy waist and navel. He dropped a deep kiss on her navel making Ritha writh in pleasure.

Their night was filled with deep passion and sky soaring love where unspoken forever promises were made. It was a blissful experience for Ritha where she completely lost herself to her husband and Augustus took her utmost care. After the night of contentment, morning demanded their attention. The morning was about to witness the most brutal way of getting a justice.

Author's Note
So, how was it?

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