Chapter 66

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" She never did that. It was Valentina who mixed the poison but she kept the bottle in Mother's room and everyone thought that it she who did this. Father was the only one who believed on her. Augustus threw her in dungeon when she got into heated argument with Valentina and that vicious lady knew how to play her cards. When Flavia or Tatiana threw bitter comments at her, she never retaliated which she could have easily done. She only fought with Mother to pull her down and it pained her. Augustus hated her and it hurt her.
One day, Valentina visited her but their fight broke ugly and Mother ended up holding her neck. Valentina took it as an opportunity to frame her bad infront of Augustus. Mother was crying, begging but Augustus wasn't having of it. Finally, she succumbed to all the humiliation and killed herself. " he broke down and cried bitterly. The light lamp had fallen down from his hands and it rolled away just like his tears.

Now that he was on the receiving end of betrayal , he could imagine what his mother, Athena felt. He came back to his senses when he recieved a stinging sensation on his left cheek. His body swayed away with such harsh impact and he raised his head to find Rithambara throwing a disgusting look at him. She had slapped him but the physical sting was nothing in comparison to what his heart felt.

She spoke with utmost repellent , " Her womb would have cried out loud for carrying a disgrace like you. You knew everything, yet, you let her go through all the tortures. Now, you're repenting it by painting your Mother's portrait and here I thought that she was alive. You still didn't learn your lesson and you even loved that Aquila, didn't you? "

Marcus flinched listening to such stabbing words but weren't they true?
His cheeks burnt with embarrassment and shame. " No, I never loved her. I don't why I said that, it was quite impulsive. "

" So you lie because it has become your habit. You don't know the depth of your brother's love for you. He can die for you and this is how you repay him? You lied because you wanted to. What a pathetic excuse of a man you're! Fie on you! " Rithambara couldn't help but show her utmost disgust for Marcus.

When shock of Valentina being alive was finally being acknowledged by her mind, she straightened her posture. It was not the time to sit back, rather, it was to remove masks. She asked Marcus, " Well, if you have an ounce of shame left inside you, dear traitor Marcus , then will you tell where your Eagles have fled? Do you know the place? "

Marcus closed his eyes inhaling in the insult thrown at him. He knew that this was the last thing he could do for his mother. A betrayal took him to understand the depth of his crime.

' What will Augustus think of him? '

His conscience chuckled at it. Now that he had come back to his senses, he was thinking about his brother. Just an hour back, his chest puffed with thoughts of Rome but now, he was being perturbed.

He wiped away his tears while standing up. This was it! That vicious lady needed to learn a lesson. He nodded at Rithambara and his broken voice played, " Yes, I know the place where they are staying. Follow me. "

Ritha looked at Cato and asked him to take care of Justus for the mean time while Cato smiled at her and kissed her on forehead, " Be safe, I've promised your father."

   Ritha smiled thinking about her father. She was missing him badly but it was he, who taught her to be brave in adverse circumstances. She remembered Lord Shiva to provide her strength for what she was going to  do.

She turned around and eyed Marcus. His face was annoying her and she couldn't help but pass him a taunt, "Lead, Future Rex. "

Marcus's jaw clenched listening to satire her sister in law passed but he decided to dodge it off. He started walking ahead. Meanwhile, Rithambara called for more soldiers on her way. Finally, they started their voyage to hunt down the witch.

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