Chapter 44

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The night took all the time in the world to end it's darkness. The new sun rays were colliding with the walls of the room illuminating every corner of it.

While Putting the red vermilion in her parting, an instant smile made it's way on Ritha's lips. Her eyes painted a picture of the day when her husband filled up her parting. Reminiscing the day of her marriage, a chuckle eluded from her lips because Augustus was utterly confused with the rituals going around. Putting the little dot on forehead, Ritha summed up her look.

The navy blue colour saree was bringing out her beauty exceptionally. Catching her glimpse for the last time in mirror, she picked up the fruit basket and sauntered towards Augustus's spare room.

She knew that her husband didn't catch even an ounce of sleep because of last night's incident. He had drenched himself in work since morning without having his breakfast. Her little son has developed an unsolicited bond with Cato giving her time to run other errands.

When she reached near her husband's study room, doughty soldiers guarding outside his gave her a curt nod which she reciprocated. They were ordered not to allow anyone to surpass into the room but they knew better than to stop their Prince's wife.

Knocking on the door, Ritha waited for Augustus's response which he gave after a minute with a simple hum. When she intruded into the room, she was welcomed by Augustus's sombre look.

On the other hand, Augustus was busy in comparing the statistics of the revenue collection and kingdom's financial conditions. To his delight, things were coming back on the track with his enormous efforts. Secondly, he knew that the secret treasures which he and his father have hidden from his brothers would come handy in adversity.

He didn't sleep even for a fraction of minute since last night. Conspiracies of the eagles and images of the intruder in his room was perpetuating the toll over his mind. It felt like someone was banging his head.

When he heard the knock on his door, he answered with a simple deep hum and looked up. He was surprised to see his wife standing there with fruit basket. His dull composure was instantly exchanged with feverishness. Standing up from his chair, he went near Ritha and gave her a peck on the lips.

Keeping the fruit basket aside, Ritha brushed Augustus's hair away from his forehead with tenderness. She could see tiredness in his blue eyes.

"Why don't you take care of yourself?" asked Ritha when Augustus sat back on the chair throwing his head back.

A sigh of exhaustion escaped from his lips and he dodged Ritha's question by ignorance.

Without any further interrogation, Ritha went near his chair and started massaging his temple with her mincing fingers. For Augustus, it felt as if an enchantress has casted her magic on the excruciating pain which he was feeling. The relief from the massage worked like a potion to his body which rejuvenated again.

After few minutes, he told Ritha to stop and pulled her infront to make her sit on his lap. This sudden gesture made Ritha inexplicably shy. Her raised heartbeat and beautiful tint on her cheeks was giving away the proof of it.

Keeping his head on Ritha's bosom, Augustus let Ritha caress his head while his hands were firmly placed on Ritha's waist. He let all the negative thoughts slide away and closed his eyes. The soft juggling of Ritha's bangles prevented him from going into deep slumber.

Placing a soft kiss on Augustus's forehead, Ritha got up from his lap and brought the fruit basket near him. Rubbing his eyes, Augustus went in washroom to wash his face and let tiredness slip away.

Meanwhile Ritha admired the architect of the room. Everything in the room was placed in order. Suddenly, a thought of her mother in law striked in her mind and she thought to have a conversation about it with Augustus.

After coming out of the washroom,
Augustus picked up the apple and took a bite of it. Looking at her wife, who was playing with her blue saree's fabric, he knew that she was up to something.

'Yellow fabric playing with blue fabric.'

      He chuckled at his own lame thought and finally asked her to spill it out.

      After pondering for few minutes, Ritha mustered her courage and asked Augustus, "Is there any specific reason behind your hatred towards your mother."

     This question caught Augustus off guard and the very thought of his mother made him clench his jaws. Rage was flowing with great force in his veins and his voice had an undeniable anger when he spoke, "she was a pathetic excuse in the name of a woman."

     Listening to such harsh words from a son towards his mother made Ritha gasp and before she could ask for the reason behind it, Augustus spoke, "This wasn't the first time when my father was planned to be killed. It has happened in the past when that lady was alive and it was she who did this."

'A lady tried to kill her own husband.'

The very thought was messing up with Ritha's head and she wanted to know the details about her plans and most importantly, her death.
Sensing her curiosity, Augustus continued, "this was one of the reasons, there was one more reason which made me hate the very presence of that lady."

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