Sorting her out.

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"Right let's take a trip to the medical tent and get them to check you over" he said she nodded and they walked over slowly sitting down and waiting. Barsha came out and called her name, Charlie helped her up and she faced him "come with me, please" she almost cried he held her hand "of course I will" he smiled she smiled and they walked in together "I know it's frowned upon men with women whilst they're being checked over but I've had a really hard day and he's staying" she said Barsha nodded and Charlie helped her down onto the bed. "I'm just going to check you over, do you feel alright?" She asked she nodded "I just ache, I'm sore and bruised that's all" she smiled Barsha checked her over and nodded "rest and ice especially on your hips and in a week or so you should feel much better" she said Georgie nodded "thank you" she said standing up with Charlie "in the mean time just take painkillers I'm sure you have access to some" she smiled she nodded "thank you" she said as they walked out. Once they got out Georgie lent into Charlie "are you alright?" He asked she nodded "I'm tired" she said "I haven't slept all night, I was scared and it was cold" she said "let's go and get you a pill, pop to see Suzy (the psychiatrist) and then we will get you straight to bed, in my bed if that's what you want someone quieter and comfier" he said she nodded and held his arm as they walked into Suzy's office. Georgie sat down in the chair "Georgie this might be better if Captain James leaves" she said Georgie shook her head "no, no I won't talk unless he's here" she said tears running down her face "alright alright" she said trying to calm her. Charlie sat down on the chair next to her and she gripped his hand he had never seen Georgie lane look or feel so vulnerable. He held her hand back and Suzy started talking. "So I just want you to run through with me exactly what happened as close to detail as you can remember and you feel comfortable" she said Georgie nodded taking a deep breath. "I can remember everything, every word said, every move made, it's so clear in my head" she said staring into air. "Go on Georgie what is said in here stays in here" she said she nodded and took a deep breath "I handed myself over, I couldn't let them shoot Charlie" she started "they threw me in the back of the truck and put me in a sac of some kind, I didn't know where we were going but I heard them all get out, I guessed we were at the border and we were. I radioed through to Charlie I wasn't sure if they knew where I was but they did" she said tears in her eyes "they took me to an old abandoned place and dragged me in by my hair which they had made me un plait on the way there, they said they liked it down" she said tears falling down her cheeks "they threw me in a shower and locked the door, then a man came in and really forcefully ripped my uniform off then passed it to another who said he was going to burn it. He left me in my underwear for a while and then a small girl came in she wasn't a prisoner I thought she might help me but she was just as cruel she was the leaders daughter" she started to sob. "She told me if I didn't take my underwear off she'd get her dad to kill me, so I did" she said "and I gave it to her" she cried gripping Charlie's hand harder he squeezed it back and she liked that it made her feel safer. "This group of men came along and blindfolded me dragged me back out to a cell and threw me in there with the other medic. I tried to help her but if I moved they were going to shoot me" she said "they took me out of the cell when it got dark and back to the shower but this time it was a bigger shower. 3 men raped me" she burst into tears "and then another 11 in the bedroom afterwards" she cried uncontrollably. Charlie held her close and rubbed her back "I've got you" he said trying to calm her down "I've got you" he said "it was hurting I told them to stop, I tried pushing them but they weren't going anywhere they were bigger than me" she said "then they put me back in my cell and that's when Charlie rescued me" she said wiping her eyes "in between they beat me up and hit me with a bat" she said wiping her face with her sleeve "told me if I didn't comply they'd come back for all of you, so I just did as they said" she cried Charlie held her close "that's enough, I'm done" said Georgie standing up but stumbling on her weak legs Charlie held her hips gently and she put her hands on them "with all due respect Suzy I want to go to bed I'm tired and I want to talk to Charlie because I know that will help, it's over, it's done I'll be okay thank you" she said "alright, if you need any help please come back to me Georgie" she said she nodded and walked out with Charlie. "Just take me home" she cried "let's go and get you a pill first" he said his bunk was right next to them "as a matter of fact let me tuck you in and then I'll go and get you a pill" he said she smiled at him "I love you" she cried "I love you" he said wiping her tears.

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