Please forgive me.

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Another 2 months had passed Georgie had 2 weeks left until she was full term. Charlie was leaving for afghan in a month and had told Georgie she had the flat to herself while he was gone for 6 months which she was so grateful for so she could get herself sorted properly. She walked into the living room dressed and smiled at Charlie "I'm going shopping, I'll get all the food in anything specific you want or everything normal?" She asked he smiled "you don't have to do that George" he said she nodded "I want to" she said "do you want me to come with you?" He asked she shook her head "no, no I'll be alright" she smiled "alright, I don't want anything thank you, just the normal stuff" he smiled she nodded and sat on the sofa tying her shoe laces up which she could just about reach. She stood up and smiled "see you later" she said heading out. The shop was only around the corner literally a 2 minute walk and they didn't need much so she could carry the bags on her own. She walked around the shop with a trolley and grabbed everything every so often getting a sharp pain in her back, she thought it was braxton hicks she had them before. She finished shopping paid and walked out. She got down the alleyway almost back when her waters broke she was going to grab her phone but she could see the flat she carried on walking and managed up the one flight of stairs contractions weren't too bad and opened the door leaning against the frame putting the bags down. She walked in and saw Charlie "Umm, Charlie I think we have a little problem" she said gritting her teeth he looked at her and stood up walking over to her quickly "I think this baby's coming" she almost cried "it's alright, it's alright" he said rubbing her back she just breathed as a contraction passed. "Why don't you sit down and I'll grab your stuff and take you to hospital" he said she sat down on a chair "I need my mum" she cried breathing heavily Charlie grabbed the bags and shut the door putting them on the kitchen side. "Can you just ring my mum please?" She asked passing him her phone holding her back with her other hand he nodded "of course" he said "password?" He asked "1993 " she said "your birthday?" He asked "no cheeky mines 95" she laughed Charlie smiled "the year Elvis was born" she said Charlie nodded and rang her mum. "George?" She answered "it's Charlie, Georgie's in labour she wants you" he said "where are you?" She asked "at the flat she's not in too much pain I don't think or maybe she's just tough" he said her mum nodded "I'm on my way" she said "thank you" he said she nodded and put the phone down. "She's on her way George" he said rubbing her back "I need to stand up" she said standing up holding Charlie "alright?" He asked she nodded "I thought I had a good pain tolerance" she said breathing heavily "I think most women would be screaming i think you do" he smiled she smiled "I don't want to go to hospital, not yet" she said "why not George?" He asked "because I know it's going to be hours and hours and I'd rather cry here for hours than there" she said he nodded "we can do that, the hospitals only a 5 minute drive anyway" he said she nodded and he kept rubbing her back. There was a knock at the door "hold the sofa" he said she held her arm of the sofa and ehe let her mum in "is she alright?" She asked he nodded "she's handling it like a boss" he smiled she smiled and walked in to see her "hey George" said her mum she smiled at her "hey" she said "how you holding up?" She asked "I'm alright" she smiled "that's my girl" she smiled rubbing her back. "Do you want us to take you to the hospital George?" She asked "not yet, this is going to take hours I know it is" she said her mum nodded "do you want to try a bath? I had the three of you as water births and it's much comfier" she said "I think I've already made enough mess in Charlie's flat" she smiled breathing through another contraction. "No you haven't made any mess, I'll run you a bath" he smiled putting his hand on her shoulder "you don't have to" she said "I want to, I don't like seeing you like this" he said she smiled "thank you" she said he smiled and walked into the bathroom "he's sweet" said her mum she nodded "he's great" she smiled. "Can you do something for me please?" She asked her mum nodded "in my room, on the bed there's an army jacket can you get me it please?" She asked "nows not the time to be thinking about work George" she said "it's not mine" she said her mum nodded and got it for her. "Who's is it?" She asked knowing who's it was "Elvis" she said tears in her eyes her mum nodded "your going to have a bit of him with you forever now" she smiled she nodded tears falling down her cheeks "I miss him" she said she nodded "I know honey I know" she said Georgie wiped her face and stood up properly "I'm okay" she said grace nodded "I know" she smiled. "Baths ready" said Charlie Georgie smiled "I'll go and wait in the front room" he said putting a hand on Georgie's shoulder she nodded "thank you" she said he smiled and walked out. "You don't have to get changed just take your jeans off George" she said she nodded and unzipped them trying to get them down, she got them off with her mums help. "Can you get in?" She asked Georgie nodded and stepped a foot into the bath and then the other one. "That's it" said her mum helping her down she lied back in it just closing her eyes "ah" she cried as another pain hit her unexpectedly "can you get Charlie?" She asked her mum nodded "remember you've got no trousers on" she said "I don't care I've got pants on, we've been swimming in the sea all the lads have seen me in a swimming costume" she said her mum nodded and smiled walking out to see Charlie. "She wants you" she said "is she decent?" He asked before he opened the door "yeah kind of" she smiled he walked in and Georgie smiled at him "hey" he smiled "just hold my hand" she cried he held her hand and sat down on a stool next to her "your going to stay with me aren't you" she asked gripping his hand he nodded "of course I will" he said she nodded "good because I don't think my mums hand would last" she laughed he laughed too. "George these contractions are getting quite close I think we should get you in soon" said her mum "10 more minutes" she said she nodded and Charlie just stroked her hair holding her hand. "It's going to be alright" he said she nodded "it has to be" she said he nodded "well you've got me for 3 weeks instead of a week for a bit of help" he smiled she smiled "ahh" she cried again "mum I need to push" she cried "no Georgie no don't push, we need to get you to a hospital" she said "I can't mum, I can't this baby is coming" she cried "I'm going to ring for an ambulance" she said he nodded and kept comforting Georgie. "It's going to be alright" he said she nodded "okay Georgie, I need your pants off lovely" she said on the phone to 999 "I can leave" he said "I need to get out of this bath" she said her mum nodded "come on" she said grabbing her other arm "that's it George that's it" she said they pulled her out "here" said Charlie sitting her on the toilet seat "let's take this top off put this round you" he said she nodded her mum pulled her top off and Charlie wrapped a towel around her "I know what we need" he smiled walking out he grabbed the jumper and walked back in "here" he smiled Georgie smiled and he pulled it over her head "he's got you George he's got you" he said she nodded "right now Georgie let's get to your bed" she said she nodded and walked through to the bedroom holding onto Charlie "pants off" smiled her mum Charlie threw a blanket over her legs when she lied down and stayed by her head "yeah I can see the head" said her mum down the phone "hold me Charlie" she cried he held her close holding her hands "that's it George" said her mum "an ambulance is on its way" said her mum she nodded "just do what your body tells you George" she said she nodded and pushed, she pushed again and again and the head was here "I've got a head" said her mum down the phone "alright just be ready to catch baby" she said she nodded and held the head gently "go on Georgie" said Charlie she pushed again and her baby was born and a cry filled the air, Georgie smiled and lent into Charlie's shoulder "you did it George" he smiled she smiled and her mum wrapped the baby up passing it to Georgie.

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