I love her because, She moves in her own way.

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Georgie walked out of the estate agents and sat on the bench ringing her mum. "Hello honey" she said "hi, I was just wondering if you had told him yet?" She asked tears in her eyes "yeah, yeah I have" she said "you don't sound very happy" said Georgie "he's not happy George" she said "I want to speak to him" she said "that's not a good idea" she said "mum put me on the phone" she said "alright" she said "here" she said passing the phone to her dad "what?" He asked "talk to your daughter" she said he picked up the phone and Georgie spoke first "just listen, listen to me please" she begged "Georgie if you want to talk to me, explain your cosy night in come home!" He shouted down the phone making her jump. She put down the phone and sat just watching the cars go past. She stood up and headed into the local coffee shop she didn't want to go home, not now. She sat down and the waitress walked over "can I have a coffee please, decaf please" she said the waitress nodded and smiled and headed off. Georgie was looking out of the window when a song came on she didn't hear it at first and then it hit her. "I love her because she moves in her own way, oh oh, she came to my show just to hear about my day" tears started rolling down her cheeks and she wiped them away as the waitress walked over with her coffee "thank you" smiled Georgie trying to disguise her tears "are you okay?" She asked Georgie nodded "yeah, this song, it brings back memories" she smiled "do you want me to turn it over?" She asked "no, no I love this song" she said wiping her eyes the waitress nodded and headed off. "And at my show on Tuesday, she was in her mindset, tempered fur and spangled boots" she sang quietly to herself tears still rolling. She finished her coffee and paid heading out. She headed home and knocked on the door, it was locked. Her mum opened it "sorry, I've um, I've just been walking, drinking coffee, listening to our song" she started to cry her mum took her into her arms "it's alright sweetie, it's alright" she said rubbing her back. "I want to talk to dad" she said she nodded "he's in the kitchen" she said she nodded and walked in shutting the door behind her. She sat down opposite her dad and he didn't even look at her. "Dad I loved him, I always did and I always will" she said still in tears "I know this is a mess, I do but I'm going to sort it" she said "how?" He said "we've no room for a baby!" He said "I'm moving out, getting my own place, I'll get another job, I'll have to" she said tears running down her face "Georgie how far along are you?" She asked her mum was standing at the door watching them she was scared for Georgie she didn't know this either. "I'm sorry" she cried "how long!" He shouted "6 months" she cried "6 months!" He shouted standing up Georgie stayed sitting he towered over her "I'm 27 I'm allowed to have a baby" she said "you have a job in the army in Afghan! Your fiancée is dead!" He shouted "he wasn't dead when I ended up pregnant though was he dad! I wanted a baby with him, I wanted children, and now, I don't know what I want anymore, it's this hollow pain, it's always there, it never leaves, I'm grieving!" She shouted he stared at her she hated it "get out!" He shouted "what?" She asked "get out!" He shouted louder she took a step back and nodded picking up her phone and walking out. She sat on the driveway on the floor it was cold and it started to rain. She didn't know where to go she walked and walked thinking. She put her earphones in and shuffled her playlist. 25 minutes later "at my show on Monday I was hoping someday you'd be on your way to better things" she just broke down, in the middle of the high street soaking wet she broke down in tears holding the wall. Her mum was driving looking for her and she had called Charlie to help but they couldn't find her.
She sat down against the wall and just stared listening to that song over and over again. Charlie saw her and ran over "George" he shouted she looked up and took a deep breath. "Are you alright?" He asked helping her up she nodded her eyes looked tired she was soaked and freezing "he won't let me go home" she cried Charlie took her into his arms and she just cried "what have you been doing?" He asked " just sitting, walking, listening to our song over and over again" she cried he held her close "I've got you" he said rubbing her back "let's get you warm and dry, think of this little fella, got to keep him nice and cosy" he smiled "how do you know it's a boy?" She asked "I've got a feeling" he smiled "why?" She asked "Elvis wants to come back to you and this is his little way" he smiled she nodded tears still falling "I can't go home Charlie, I'm going to book at the hotel, I'll be alright I'm sorry for scaring you" she said "your coming home with me" he said she didn't know what to say "I can't do that Charlie" she said "yes you can, I've got a spare room it's only a small flat but it's a 2 bed" he smiled she nodded "thank you" she almost cried "come on, it's only down the road" he said she nodded and held his arm walking down the road under his umbrella. They walked in and Georgie took off her soaking shoes and put her bag down to dry. Charlie helped her take her coat off and hung that up and she was still soaked through "I'm going to run you a bath, warm you up and I'm going to yours to pick up everything you need, text your mum what you need she's going to get it ready for you" he said "thank you" she said he smiled. He grabbed a jumper off of a stall "I've got something for you" he said she nodded "what is it?" She asked it was army print Georgie was confused "it belonged to Elvis. It's his army jumper his SAS one. I thought you might like it, maybe if you wear it, it might feel like he's hugging you really tightly" he said Georgie just looked at it and picked it up out of Charlie's hands "thank you" she said he smiled "he's always going to be right here" he said moving her hand to her heart she nodded "I know" she smiled holding the jumper close tears falling. "Why don't you go and put it on, take those wet clothes off while I run you a bath" he said she nodded "go in there" he said pointing her to the spare room "it's yours for as long as you need, baby or no baby" he smiled she smiled and hugged him "thank you" she cried he held her close "your so welcome" he said she walked in and put the jumper on it was so long on her 5"4 frame it was halfway down her thighs. She walked into the bathroom and smiled at Charlie and he smiled back "does it?" He asked "what?" She asked "feel like he's hugging you" he asked she nodded "it still smells like him" she almost cried Charlie smiled "there's more where that came from. When I come back from afghan again I'll bring you back his fleece too yeah? I know where they've got them" he said Georgie smiled "maybe one day, that baby will fill daddy's boots" he said she nodded "I know baby will" she smiled "of course he will, with a mum like you" he smiled "and he's got daddy's genes" he smiled she nodded she smiled tears away. "Anyway baths ready when you are" he smiled she smiled and stood up "I'll go and grab your stuff" he said she smiled "thank you" she said. He left and she took the jumper off getting in the bath. She relaxed back and just closed her eyes holding her stomach, imagining what it would be like if her world hadn't crumbled.

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