The next day

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Charlie woke up to Georgie finally asleep they were awake until 4:15am she was talking to him he wanted to make sure she had it all out she couldn't sleep and he couldn't sleep worrying about her. Finally she drifted off after a night full of tears and talking. 10 minutes later she woke up looking up at Charlie "morning" he smiled "morning" she smiled back she tried to turn and everything stiffened up and she almost cried in pain "hey hey don't move" he said she just lied on her back "everything hurts Charlie" she almost cried "do you know what you need?" He asked sitting up holding her hand "Gin and tonic and more than one glass" she said "a bath, a nice hot bubbly bath" he said "yeah and where am I going to find that?" She almost laughed "I know where's there's one" he said she looked a bit shocked "there's a bath in Afghan?" She asked he nodded "if you can get up grab something to wear and I'll show you" he said. She got up slowly and they got ready and she held Charlie's arm as they walked out. "Where are we going Charlie?" She asked he helped her in the passenger seat of the truck and he got in to drive. They drove to a smallish building and she looked at him as she looked at the sign which wasn't in English "it's a spa" he said she didn't know what to say "well it's not really it's a couple of steam rooms and a swimming pool filled with hot water" he laughed she smiled "Charlie" was all that came out of her mouth "come on" he smiled as he helped her out and they walked in. "Hello, we were just wondering if we could have a sit in the warm pool?" He asked the woman nodded "what happened to you?" She asked sweetly to Georgie "I've had a long few days" she smiled the woman smile passing them a locker key "go and relax" she smiled they nodded "thank you" they both said walking off. Georgie put on some shorts and a vest top and Charlie put on his shorts. They walked out together and Charlie held Georgie's hand as they walked down the steps slowly there was a bench in the water Charlie sat down and so did Georgie "I feel so weightless" she said relaxing he held her hand and she looked at him "thank you for this" she said he smiled "anything for you" he said "anyway you deserve it you've been through so much" he said she nodded "all of us have" she said a sad expression on her face.

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