Telling Charlie.

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2 weeks later they only had a week left in Afghan. Georgie and Charlie weren't really seeing each other anymore it just stopped happening it was clear Georgie wasn't over Elvis Charlie was just comfort for her, a safe haven and he didn't mind that. They were sitting in a trench bullets being fired Charlie was sitting down and so was Georgie while the others were holding the fort. "Charlie I know now probably isn't a good time, but I need to tell you something" she said he nodded "make it quick Lane" he said "I'm pregnant" she said "what?" He asked shook. "From?" He questioned she shook her head "no, it's Elvis's" she almost cried Charlie didn't know what to say "oh Georgie" he said "why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked "how long have you known?" He asked "2 months" she said "Georgie how far along are you?" He asked still quietly to stop the others hearing "almost 5 months" she almost cried "Georgie were getting you home alright?" He said she nodded tears falling down her face "I promise were getting you home" he said wrapping his arms around her. "Okay guys we need Georgie out of here now, we need a plan of action" he said "we will hold the fort. Richards is going to get the truck whilst we watch her back" said Fingers they all nodded in agreement and put the plan into action "you just stay down alright" he said she nodded back against the ditch wall. Richards got in the truck, and thank goodness it was the one bulletproof one. She drove it in front of them and Charlie grabbed Georgie's hand just as a Taliban shouted "grab the medic!" Charlie didn't know where it came from and Georgie started to panic. "Hey George look at me" he said she looked up at him "I want you to just stay still, take this off" he said taking her medic badge off and keeping hold of her hand. Half of them got in the truck and Charlie instructed the rest to keep shooting. "We're going to get you in" he said she nodded they started making their way to the truck when they got surrounded "I will shoot! Stand still!" Shouted a Taliban Georgie was so scared for not only her life and Charlie's but for her baby's. She put her hands up and so did Charlie "we take the medic everyone lives" he said she had tears streaming down her face "your not going to rape me again are you?" She cried "we not those people, we have someone we need you to make better" one said she just looked at Charlie "get to safety" she said walking towards the Taliban. They grabbed her arms and walked off with her Charlie stood and watched and then someone shot snapping him back into reality and he ran into the vehicle to safety. "They've taken her boss?" Asked Rab "she handed herself over there's someone that needs help we need to get to her now!" He said they nodded and headed back to base to track her down. They couldn't find a signal anywhere. After 2 weeks of trying they picked up a signal 35 miles away from her watch. "Okay lads let's get there now!" Said Charlie. They made their way to the abandoned factory and when they turned up they got out and launched phase 1. "On my count" said Charlie "3,2,1 shoot" he said they shot who they could see and then headed in searching the place for Georgie. There was no cages this time just a building. They headed in cautious for who they might find. They found a door the only door there it was locked, padlocked "Georgie!" Shouted Charlie her voice was weak she sounded hurt "Georgie can you hear me?" He asked "yeah" she said "stand back alright?" He said she moved back against the wall holding the small girl with her to her chest "blowing!" He said as they shot the padlock off they opened the door to Georgie and a small girl about 3. "Are you alright?" Asked Charlie she nodded weakly she looked like she had lost half her body weight which wasn't a lot to start with. "Have they been feeding you?" He asked "rice once a day" she said weakly Charlie picked her up and Rab grabbed the little girl "what's your name honey?" He asked "olive, her names olive" said Georgie he smiled and they got them in the back of the vehicle. "Here" said Charlie passing Georgie a bottle of water and a protein bar. "Thank you" she said he passed the same to olive "how are you feeling?" He asked "they didn't hurt me. They told me they wouldn't let me go until I made their friend better, her dad" she said looking at Olive "he's dying, there's nothing I could do, they said they were going to shoot me if he died, thank you Charlie" she cried into his chest "I've got you" he said "were going to get you home" he added she nodded holding onto him.

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