Chapter VII

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Everyone enters the guild one by one. People from other places are still present staying just until the show's over.

Some others were still scared shitless about yesterday. They unconsciously beg in their minds that may Lucy never have that kind of death, and just die because of old age.

The screen displays the words;

Natsu Vs. Zeref

“Hey, it's not an AU this time,” Max pointed, then everyone realized what they're going to see,“Holy shit! Natsu fought Zeref!”

"H-HEY! LOOK AT THIS!" Warren shouted, catching everyone's attention. There was a big dot on the radar rapidly heading west. "It's Natsu! We've found him and he's moving at an incredible speed!"

"What the hell is he…!?" Gray's eyes widened. To the west was…

"Don't tell me he's…?!" Makarov couldn't believe it either.

Invel looked to the sky, sensing Natsu's presence. "Your Majesty…it appears that an unidentified flying object is hurling straight towards us." This news only made Zeref grin.

Natsu and Happy flew at full speed, heading right for Zeref! The fastest way to victory was to defeat Zeref, and it was time Natsu finally brought their fate to a close! He was determined to do this and absolutely nothing was going to stop him. "IT'S TIME YOU AND I FINISH THIS DANCE! I'M COMING FOR YOU…ZEREF!"

“So Natsu went ahead without the Masters permission?” Gray raised an eyebrow,“Sounds like him,”

“Natsu! That reckless son of a... Is he seriously charging straight through the enemy lines all the way to Zeref?!”

“He got a freaking death wish!”

“That damn hot-headed,” Laxus grumbled.

“Change of plans! We're going after him!” Gray exclaimed, as he and Elfman tried to march.

“Wait,” An injured Erza stopped them, glancing at Gray,“We will move according to the first's strategy. Let's leave Zeref to Natsu,”

“Have you gone crazy, Erza!? Do you understand who he's up against!? This is Zeref we're talking about! And he's carrying the Book of E.N.D!” Gray argued.

“Wow.. Did Gray just called Erza crazy?”

“Natsu said himself that he has an ace up of his sleeve for defeating Zeref,” Erza argued back,“I have no doubt he'll come through,”

“You're always putting too much trust in him!” Gray leaned to glare at her,“Don't let it blind you, Erza!”

Wendy and a cat-like girl was staring in shock. “Gray-sama...” Juvia called, as everyone else was just staring at the two.

“Who's the cat lady?” Evergreen asked.

“Probably a new member?”

“Damn, thanks for putting that much trust in me, Erza!” Natsu grinned.

“I kinda agreed with my other self,” Gray crossed arms,“It is Zeref he's fighting!”

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