Chapter XVI(credits to the actual owner for this chap)

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A/N: Admins are all have been gone(for school) so this account has been unattended for weeks. So some of these are unedited as of now.

—Admin Jane's boyfriend.

Lucy vs. Kain

"Aw man" Lucy complained,“Not this one!”

Natsu, remembering, cackled along with happy.

Another title followed the previous one it read and Natsu, Lucy and Happy vs Kain

“Not fair!”

"Oh well at least we're together right Lucy?" Natsu asks Lucy while grinning down at her.

"Yeah, as long as we're together," She smiles back at him. Everyone in Fairy tail rolls their eyes at them due to their obliviousness. Like just confess! They already saw their kids!

"All right!" Sting grinned "Now, we'll finally be watching something interesting,"

"Hm," Rouge agrees "We will be able to witness other battles by the Fairy Tail guild once more, I wonder if the rumours about their destructive tendencies are true,"

“I mean, we just saw the one with Zeref and Tartaros pretty sure we'll be seeing the interesting ones!” Lector said.

"I wonder how many other fights they've had," Jura thought out loud.

'Too many' Everyone in the guild thought but didn't voice out loud.

A hand is shown on the screen as a thump, thump, thump is heard

"Who's that?" Toby asks.

"You idiot!" Yuka tells him "Considering that it looks like a female hand and the title said LUCY its obviously Lucy!"

"No need to say it like that Yuka I was only asking a question!" Toby tells him

"Hey Lu," Levy looked at her friend, "Why were you on the floor?"

"I knocked her out," Cana answers.

"WHAT," Almost everyone in the guild says in shock.

"I suppose it would make more sense if we watch that clip before this we watch this fight" Lucy says out loud. As Lucy was talking the screen shimmered and changed taking the clip back to just before Cana put Lucy to sleep.

"Mavis grave?" Lucy is heard to be asking.

"Wait what's going on?" Lyon asks.

"This was the S-class trials," Makarov tells them "Their main objective was to find Mavis grave however we were interrupted by Grimoire Heart who wanted to resurrect Zeref. As a result, the trials were put on hold until we defeated Grimoire Heart and their elite fighters known as the Seven Kin,"

Mavis chuckled beside him. As the people from other guild jaw dropped.


“Hey! How come we don't have any S-Class trials in Sabertooth?!”

"Yeah, you said you'd figured out where it is right?" Cana asked her.

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