Chapter X

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The previous video caused a huge fight between Natsu and Gajeel on whether those two should really be together or not. But of course the fight was stopped by Erza.

 But of course the fight was stopped by Erza

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Lucy Sacrifices Aquarius

"Oh, Lucy!" Happy yelled as he read the words. "Aquarius is not going to like that. I wonder what she'll do to you this time. Maybe she'll throw you in an ocean with no fishes. Maybe you'll get her so mad that she'll never come back. My, what cruel torture!"

Yukino turned to the said Celestial Mage. She just knew that she never would've done anything like that, she treated her spirits as treasured friends. "Lucy?"

Lucy stayed silent. Her only response to the two was a smile that betrayed her empty eyes. Instinctively, she placed her hands where her keys were safely kept. Her sacrifices Aquarius? She would never do that;

The scene starts with Lucy yelling audibly. Her clothes are tattered and her body is decorated with bruises. She kneels on the ground, chest heaving and eyes almost tearing up.

Natsu winced as he watched his partner is such a state. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a frustrated sight. "I can already tell that I won't like this."

"Wait, that red goo," Gray Fullbuster pointed to the substance above Lucy. "What the hell is that?"

Levy frowned. "Lu-chan, what happened here?"

Lucy only shrugged, her energy depleting by the moment. "I don't know the answers to that. I'm sorry."

Jura raised an eyebrow at their exchange. "Just what trouble did you get yourselves into, Fairy Tail?"

Kagura mumbled something as she took a huge bite out of her fish. "Does this mean we're going to see your battle in the near future now? Like the one with Zeref?"

Gray chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "I guess we will?"

"What just happened?" Lucy mutters to herself as she stares at the abyss around her.

"Natsu, where are you?" Lucy calls out. But nobody answers her.

Natsu glanced at Lucy from his seat. For some reason, his heart was racing. He turned his attention back to the screen despite hating the fact that Lucy was alone.

A loud roar suddenly takes the reign. Lucy crumples to the ground as she clutches her ears. She whimpers, "Urghh. What is that sound?"

In the guild, Natsu accidentally broke a glass that he was holding. The shards fell down to his lap. He frowned, when did that happen?

Mard Greer's voice now comes into play. His sinister tone plays inside of Lucy's head. "Alegria has disposed of the invaders! We shall now proceed with the Face Operation as planned!"

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