The day I fell in love with you

22 3 54

Enzo's: POV

I stood in the line and front of me stood a blonde man. He turned around and two beautiful dark brown eyes looked at me. I looked away and blushed.

Then it was my turn and I said my order. I couldn't stop thinking of the man or his eyes.

I met him again when I was going to make a cup of coffee. Don't screwed it up, behave normally. I thought for myself.

"Hey." I said. "Hey." he replied. "I'm Enzo." I said. "Tommy." he replied with a smile on his face. "You have beautiful eyes." I said without thinking. "Thank you." he replied. "You're welcome." I said.

"I have to go, but it was nice to meet you Enzo." replied Tommy. "The same." I said. He smiled again and went to his table. This was the most embarrassing moment in my life.

"Are you okay dad?" asked Will and Robin. "Yeah." I said. "Who were you talking to?" they asked. "A guy named Tommy." I said. "He sounds nice!" replied Will. "He is." I said.

Do you like him?" he asked. "Yes." I said. "Aww." replied Robin and I laughed softly.


We Tommy on the way out from the café. "This is my nephews William and Robin." I said. "Nice to meet you." he replied. He gave me the address. "Goodbye Enzo." said Tommy, before he left. "Bye." I replied.

Thank you glambertybear for being in my book

Aww, their first meeting💕

I hope you liked the chapter


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