Don't let go

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Adam's: POV

I arrived to the house and I had an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. I walked into the house and shone with my flashlight.

I ran upstairs and found my brother in a puddle of blood. I fell down on my knees and tears were rolling down my cheeks. I lay down his head in my lap and stroked his forehead.

Taylor came up to me and she hugged me. "I'm here honey." I said. "I'm scared." she sobbed. "You're safe now." I replied softly. "Daddy." she said. "I have to take him to the hospital." I replied.

I was holding his bloody body close to me while I run into the hospital. "I need help, my brother is badly injured, please can someone help me?" I begged and tears were streaming down my face.

"What has happened?" asked a man. "He has been tortured." I said. "I'll take care of him." he replied and I went to the waiting room. Don't die. I thought for myself.


Tommy's: POV

My colleague came into my room. "I need you in room 10." said Kim. "What has happened?" I asked. She bit her lip and she didn't how she should say it. "Kim, please tell me." I said.

She took a deep breath and looked at me. "Your husband has been tortured and his injuries are very serious. He's in coma and we don't know if he'll survive." she replied. "Take me to him." I said.

We went to the room and Enzo was in a bed with an oxygen mask. He had a black eye and his lip was cracked. I also saw cuts on his arms.

I held his hand and I let the tears fall. "Live for me baby, please. I will always love you." I said and kissed his forehead.

Kim hugged me and I couldn't hold back my emotions. "Drive home Tommy, I'll contact you as soon as something happens." she said.

"Please save him." I begged. "We will do everything we can." she said. "Thank you." I replied. "I never betray my best friend." said Kim.

Stay strong

I hope you liked the chapter


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