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Robert could tell I was agitated. All through attendance, he kept glancing at me from the corner of his eye, watching my knee bob frantically up and down.

But I couldn't sit still. This was it. Mr. Reiner was going to give us a link to a chat room, and then I'd finally have a conversation with the person I'd been thinking about for weeks. To be fair...I didn't know who that person was. But at least I'd know for sure that it wasn't Cash.

"Can you chill?" Robert hissed finally as Mr. Reiner began handing out slips of paper. "You're so restless its distracting."

"Sorry," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I'm just nervous."

"It's gonna be fine." His face softened, eyes widening with sympathy. "I'm sure whoever it is will be just as wonderful as their book."

"Aw, thanks, Rob," I teased. "I almost believe you."

"Ah, Mr. Miller," Mr. Reiner mused, coming to a stop before my desk. He held out a slip of paper. "Enjoying the book you received?"

"Yes, sir," I said earnestly, taking the paper with shaking fingers.

"Yes, well...That was certainly a good decision on my part." He winked mysteriously at me, then moved on.

Robert crinkled his nose. "Ew."

"That was...weird," I agreed. I peered at the link, which was written messily across the note in blue ink. "But this is it. Moment of truth."

"Wish I was as excited as you," Robert drawled. "I barely glanced at my book. Some murder-related thriller, I think."

"So you're not even curious about the other person?" I asked.

"Nope. Not at all."

- - - -

When I got home that afternoon, I hastily threw my bag onto the floor, kicked off my shoes, and pulled the crumpled note from my pocket. Mr. Reiner had set up the chatrooms on some school-created app called 'EduChats', which was about as lame as it sounded. But, as excited as I was, I could forgive the terrible, clunky graphics and cringy name.

Heart beating and pulse racing, I typed the link into the bar at the top of the page. Time seemed to stand still as the app loaded, hinging on this one moment, on this singular point in time.

And then a chat box appeared, and a name, 'User 10', rested above it.

For a moment I just blinked stupidly, frozen by indecision. Then I typed 'hey' into the box, hit send, and stared at that one word as it sat there, unanswered and alone. It seemed too little and too much, and I contemplated unsending it every few seconds.

Finally, I shook my head, turned off my phone, and set it on my desk. "Don't even look at it," I told myself firmly, picking up a textbook. "They'll respond soon."

- - - -

They did not respond soon.

Hours of monotonous homework passed. Then dinner. Then my nightly chores. There was still no answer when I returned to my room. Or after I took a shower. And then, as I crawled into bed at 10pm on the brink of despair, finally, finally, my phone chimed.


I was ecstatic.

'Good evening,' I typed back quickly. 'How's it going?'

Ten minutes went by. And then:


Okay, so maybe they were a dry texter. But that was okay. Some people didn't really know how to text. But I could work with that.

'So...' I began, 'I guess we're supposed to discuss our books?'

'I guess so.'

Hey, a quick response. Getting better.

'Do you want to go first?' I asked.


'Did you read my book?'


My stomach sunk.

'Why not?' I typed hesitantly.

'Idk,' came the reply. 'I skimmed it but, like, it wasn't for me.'

I mean, sure. 'Great Expectations' was pretty boring. But they couldn't even be bothered to read it?

'It is a classic,' I said finally, after lots of drafting. 'But I guess Dickens isn't for everyone.'


Ugh, I could feel the awkwardness through the screen. Maybe this really was Cash.

'Well, I guess we can talk about your book then?' I suggested. When there was no reply, I took that as a sign to keep typing. 'I really liked it.'

Minutes ensued. Then an hour. Finally, when I had given up hope and was preparing to fall asleep:

'That's cool.'

Cool? That was it?

My chest hurt as I tucked my phone into my drawer, leaving the text unanswered. I suppose it was my fault. After all, I'd gotten my hopes up, and of course the realty hadn't been anything like my expectations. Still, it hurt to be let down in this way.

Talk about great expectations indeed.

Tears gathered in my eyes, and I pulled the covers all the way up to my chin. I'd endured a lot over the past few months. Martin and Ky's business, Bryce and Cash's bullying-Tyson's attack. But I'd hinged all my hopes on this one thing, and it hadn't been anything like my daydreams.

It wasn't fair.

Wiping at my cheeks, I sunk into a grateful sleep, willing the world away.

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you're enjoying so far, please leave a vote and/or a comment :)

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