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Going back to school on Wednesday felt like entering another dimension.

I'd skipped Tuesday altogether, choosing to spend the day in the hospital with Dad in hopes of hiding from the drama at school. I'd figured a day to collect myself wouldn't hurt; I hadn't spoken to any of my friends yet. Robert had texted me a few times since our argument, but I hadn't had the courage to answer.

I just didn't know what to say.

And on Wednesday morning, when I arrived at school and saw Robert standing by his locker, I froze. I still hadn't decided what to do. Would we talk it out? Act like it never happened?

Or...was I angry?

I wasn't sure. I needed time. So when Robert looked up from his locker, smiled a hesitant smile, and raised his hand in greeting...I turned away. I turned away and kept walking, until I couldn't feel his stare burning into my back.

It really was like another dimension.

A strange, awful one, in which Robert and I were no longer friends-in which I'd officially lost all of my friends. Ky, Martin, Robert-I couldn't look at any of them that day. When I saw them in the hallway, or between classes, I lowered my head and looked away.

I still felt frozen from their betrayal. Still remembered that cold panic when they'd stood across from me at our lunch table, staring at me in shock.

I realised then that I was angry. Robert had spilled my secret. And Ky and Martin had been neglecting me for weeks.


But where did that leave me?

The very thought made my head hurt, and receiving Cash's text that afternoon was like a breath of fresh air.

Meet me in the car park?

Sure, I replied at once.

He was just what I needed. I wanted to lose myself in him-In the way he felt, in the way he made me feel. I went to the car park after school feeling lighter than I had all day. There was a spring in my step, the hint of a smile on my face.

Cash. I was meeting Cash.

I arrived at his car first, so I loitered by the hood. Cash drove a red Cadillac, with leather seats and an exterior so shiny it was almost as though it'd never been used. Even today, when it was hot and breezy, the car remained stubbornly clean. I squinted into the passenger seat window as I waited, examining its gleaming surface.

Jesus. It was uncanny how impeccable it looked.

"Hello." A pair of broad arms wrapped around my waist, and Cash's face appeared in the reflection beside mine. "Thinking of stealing my car?"

"Oh, I don't need to." I quirked a brow and held out my palm. "I just need to ask nicely. Keys, please."

Cash laughed and kissed my neck. "Someone's getting a bit arrogant." He drew away and dangled the keys above my head. "Come and get them, shorty."

"Well," I remarked, folding my arms, "that's not very nice."

Cash laughed again and opened the driver's side door. "C'mon, I'll take you home."

"Hey, Cash, there you are!"

We both flinched simultaneously as Bryce approached. Two members of the football team, Cory and Brayden, were at his side.

"I was looking for you after practice," Bryce exclaimed, rounding the car. "Where'd you disappear to?"

He looked at me suddenly, as though only just realising I was there, but I knew he'd been aware of my presence all along.

You, Me, and All The Spaces In-betweenWhere stories live. Discover now