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I waited for a long time that night before I texted Cash.

Or, more accurately, it was a long time before I had the courage to text him. I paced my room for hours after I'd completed all my homework, and I was distracted for the entirety of dinner.

Elena noticed it too, but when she questioned me as I was doing the dishes, I merely shook my head and muttered "It's nothing. I'm fine."

But I was most definitely not fine.

A million thoughts and feelings were warring within my head. I had Cash's phone number-But now what? What would I say? Would he even respond?

Had he-Had he just given it to me as a joke? Were he and Bryce waiting by his phone, eager for my text?

At ten o'clock, I'd finally had enough of my over-thinking.

"Just text him, Alyx," I told myself firmly, pulling out my phone. "And if it's all just one big prank, at least you'll know for certain." Then I could move on. And put this whole thing behind me.

Somehow, I doubted it'd be that simple.

'Hey,' I texted finally. I sat at my desk staring at the screen for a minute, then quickly added, 'It's Alyx, btw. In case you didn't know.'

Ugh, I sounded so lame.

The response came a little while later.

'I know who you are,' Cash said.

'Right,' I replied. 'Of course you do haha'

Ughhh. Someone end me-It was just so awkward. Was this it? Would our texting relationship end right here?

My phone buzzed atop my desk with a new message: 'I don't give my phone number out to just anyone.'

Oh damn, okay. Talk about butterflies.

'I don't believe that,' I teased, smiling as I typed. 'I think you kiss lots of people in the rain.'

'Girls? Maybe. Boys? No.'

Okay, so there was a bit to unpack here; Cash was, indeed, a player. And I really was his first male kiss.

Neither of which was particularly surprising.

'I'm assuming you've changed your tune?'

'We'll see, Miller. We'll see.'

I could almost hear his signature drawl through the phone.

'I'll have you know I got a cold because of you,' Cash added.

'What are you blaming me for? That was entirely your fault.'


I settled onto the floor and leaned against my bed, resting my phone onto my knees. 'You're in denial.'

'You're mean, you know that? I wasn't expecting you to be this mean.'

I laughed aloud, my shoulders shaking with the movement. I felt warm-And vaguely giddy. 'Yeah, well, there's a lot about me you don't know.'

'So true. Let's remedy that. I want you to meet me tomorrow.'

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-Was this really happening?!

'When? Like, after school?'

'Yeah. I'll text you the details later. That cool?'

Was that cool? Was that COOL?!

You, Me, and All The Spaces In-betweenWhere stories live. Discover now