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Robert kept his promise.

All throughout Monday, he stuck by my side-Before school, between classes, to my locker, to the library. And while I appreciated the sentiment, his omni-presence meant my chances of meeting up with Cash at lunch seemed increasingly slim.

When lunchtime did arrive, I tried to excuse myself to the bathroom; I figured, despite his hyper-vigilance, that Robert wouldn't see the need to accompany me.

I was wrong.

"Really," I sighed as we exited the cafeteria, "I don't think this is necessary."

"I'm not gonna come in with you." Robert rolled his eyes. "I'm just gonna wait outside."

I huffed impatiently but didn't respond. Really, I could understand Robert's perspective, but this was a bit excessive. And now I had no way to sneak off and see Cash.

I spent the rest of the walk in thoughtful silence, trying to accumulate a plan. But as we reached the bathrooms, Robert suddenly halted mid-step and exclaimed, "Holy shit!"

I followed his line of sight, and there, a few paces away, was Tyson.

He was wearing a grey muscle-T, dark sunglasses, and a cap-Typical Tyson clothing. But he was also covered in bruises. Dark, ugly blotches of purple and blue covered every inch of revealed skin, and in a few places there was dried blood clotting his wounds. He was walking slowly, as though every movement hurt, and he kept his head down and his eyes locked on the floor.

"No way," I whispered, trying not to gape as he passed. I felt my stomach twist despite myself. I'd known Cash was planning to rough him up, but the sight of such extensive didn't really sit well with me.

"Look at that bitch limp," Robert whistled, without even a hint of sympathy. "Bet he'll be keeping his head down for a while. Real embarrassing."

"I thought straight men liked showing off their battle scars," I teased, bumping my shoulder against his.

"Not when they're that bad," Robert laughed. "Someone that messed up could have only lost their fight. Alright," he added as we came to a stop by the bathroom door. "Have fun."

I resisted a sigh, prepared to enter. But as I glanced over my shoulder, Mr. Reiner walked by, softly muttering to himself.

An idea sprang to mind.

"Oh, Mr. Reiner!" I called, waving him down.

"What are you doing?" Robert asked, quirking a brow.

"I just have a few questions about the assignment," I told him. "Go on, I'll meet you back at the table."

Robert hesitated, then shrugged and headed back to the cafeteria.

After he left, I made small talk with Mr. Reiner for a few minutes, pretending to be engrossed in whatever half-coherent lecture he was spouting.

And when we finally parted ways, I hurried to meet Cash.

"Finally," he yawned, stretching as I approached. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to show."

"Aw," I crooned, pressing a kiss to his cheek. This time we were meeting in an empty classroom, the dusty kind generally used for storage. "You missed me."

"Hmm...Maybe a little." Cash looped his arms around my waist, tugging me closer. "Seriously though, how come you were late? Everything okay?"

"Yeah." I closed my eyes as he trailed kisses from my earlobe to my shoulder. "Robert's just been a bit over-protective since he found out about the attack. Speaking of which," I added, drawing away to meet his gaze. "Did that to Tyson?"

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