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A few afternoons later, I went out to my backyard and lay in a patch of sunlight while I texted Cash. The sky was blue and broad above me, peppered with the occasional cloud, and the warmth on my skin was blessedly comforting.

It had been a complicated few days. Martin and Ky had pulled me aside on separate occasions to apologise for the disastrous trip to Mr. Cone's, and I had immediately forgiven them.

"I'm not mad," I'd said earnestly to both. "I just want you guys to get along."

Thankfully, the argument hadn't lasted much longer, and Ky had even skipped softball practice today to eat lunch with us. But Robert had been even quieter than usual as of late, and sometimes I caught him peering strangely at Martin and Ky when he thought they weren't looking.

The whole thing made me despair a little. Something had been broken in our group for some time now, and I didn't know how to mend it.

The only positive was Cash: Beautiful, funny, incredible Cash. We texted everyday, multiple times a day. I'd never known how interesting he really was. How knowledgeable.

Ironically, I'd have to write a reflection in English next week about my experience reading Cash's book and then texting him about it, per Mr. Reiner's assignment. But honestly, if I were to write it right now, it would probably just be useless gushing about how Cash's eyes were the same colour as the sky above me, or how elegant he was when he insulted Grammarville's faculty.

Yep, it was official. Best. Assignment. Ever.

"Hey, Alyx." Elena's shadow fell over me, and I squinted up at her silhouette. "Dad's home."

"Ugh," I muttered, scrambling to my feet. Leaves clung to me, and I busied myself brushing them off so I wouldn't have to meet my sister's eyes. "What's he doing here?"

"Well...He does technically lives here."

"Barely," I retorted, following Elena through the back door and into the kitchen. "The house is just under his name."

Dad was sitting awkwardly at our little table when he entered. He had a mug in his hand, and kept adjusting his tie constantly, as though it were strangling him.

"Alyx, how's it going?" He patted the seat beside him. "Sit down, let's talk."

"Can't," I replied, already breezing past and into the hall beyond. "I'm busy." I clutched my phone in my hand, squeezing it to ease my anxiety.

"Alyx, come back!" Elena called, sounding exasperated.

But I kept walking until I reached the stairs, and then I climbed up those until I reached my room.

'Ugh, Dads suck,' I texted Cash, flopping onto my bed.

A moment later there was a knock at the door, and when I opened it a particularly dishevelled Dad was standing there, breathing heavily.

"Listen to me," he began, in the most authoritative voice I'd ever heard him adopt. "I know you don't like me-I don't know we don't always get along-But please, for Elena's sake, can't we at least be civil?"

"I'm not going to be guilted into playing happy families with you," I spat, seething. Dad's face seemed to constrict for a moment, pain flashing through his tired gaze.

"I want to know what's going on, Alyx," he said finally. Softly. "I want to be there for you."

I was silent for a moment, stewing on my words, warring with myself. "You should've been there when Mum left," I said finally. "Now it's too late."

I shut my door with a definitive click and waited until I could hear footsteps retreating down the hall. Then I slid down my door and shoved my hands through my hair, tears gathering in my vision. My face felt hot, my palms sweaty. I couldn't control a thing my life. The people I cared for were pulling away, and the people I didn't care for were trying to come back in. And I utterly abhorred it.

My phone buzzed from its place on my bed. Sniffling, I stood on shaky legs and stumbled to read the message.

'What's going on?' Cash had typed. 'Talk to me about it.'

I wiped tears from my face as gratitude filled my heart, already drafting my response.

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you're enjoying so far, please leave a vote and/or a comment :)

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