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The next day at school, Robert took one look at my face as I approached his locker and said, "Oh no."

"I don't wanna talk about it," I sighed, feeling glorious amounts of self-pity. "Let's just chalk it up to stupidity and move on."

He nodded. "Fair enough."

"How's your Dad?" I asked as we walked to homeroom. "Still suspicious?"

"He was gonna come home today," Robert sighed, shrugging. "I was kind of worried, but then he got called away to Italy again."

"Damn, man. Close call."

"I know. I don't know what to do. Honestly, I might just have to-"

"Ugh, here we go again!"

We whirled around as shouts began to echo through the hall, and found Cash and Casey standing nearby. Casey was wearing a white cropped top and a fluffy pink off-the-shoulder jacket with matching pink sneakers. Cash was adorned in a denim jacket and a black shirt, and a single earring glinted from his right lobe. They looked like the perfect couple, glamorous and idealistic, the epitome of beautiful.

And they were yelling at each other.

"I don't know why you're so upset!" Cash was protesting, shoulders tensed and rigid. "I don't understand!"

"Of course you don't," Casey hissed, poking a long nail into his chest. There was real venom in her voice. "You have the emotional capacity of a toddler!"

"Woah," Robert muttered in my ear. "This is scary. Let's leave."

"No, hang on a sec," I insisted.

"That's not fair, Case, and you know it," Cash interjected, a muscle twitching in his cheek. I'd never seen him so upset. "I just-"

"No, you know what-" Casey folded her arms, glowering. "I've had enough. I think-I think I'm done."

They stared at each other for a moment, two warriors squaring off across a battlefield.

Then Cash said, in a quiet voice, "Fine. Whatever."

He strode away, head held high, as though he hadn't just broken up with his girlfriend. How he did it, I'd never know.

"How long do you think that'll last," Robert drawled. "A week? Maybe two?"

"I don't know," I replied absentmindedly, staring after Cash. "Who knows with those two."

"Well," he sniffed, clearly bored with the conversation, "I don't really care. I think they deserve each other."

- - - -

That night, as I sat at my desk drying my hair off with a towel, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and peered curiously at the screen, surprised to see a text from 'User 10.'

'Hey...' it read.

I waited a few minutes before responding, just to be petty.

'Hey,' I said finally

'Sorry for yesterday,' User 10 replied immediately. 'I was...Not in a good mood.'

Despite everything, I could already feel myself softening. 'It's okay I guess.'

'No, it's not,' they continued. 'The truth is, I did try to read your book. It just wasn't for me. And I'm sorry.'

'That's okay,' I replied quickly. Damn, I hadn't meant to make them feel bad. 'It's really wordy anyway. Lots of people don't like it.'

I hesitated, then added, 'I'm surprised you like 'This Burning Heart' though. They're kind of similar?'

A few minutes passed, and I spent the whole time sweating profusely, convinced I'd scared them off. But then: 'Well, my grandpa read it to me when I was a kid. I never really liked it, but when he died, I read it myself just to keep his memory alive. And as it turns out...its pretty dope.'

At that, I laughed. 'Dope?'

'Shut up. You're a total nerd, aren't you?'

Grinning, I replied, 'How am I a nerd?'

'Only nerds like that book.'

'Doesn't that make you a nerd?'


Again, I hesitated before asking, 'Do you mind if I ask what was up yesterday?'

And again, it took a while to get a response. 'I was fighting with my girlfriend,' they said finally.

'Shit. Is everything okay now?'

'Nah. We...Broke up.'

My heart began to quicken. This was insane. Hadn't I just seen Casey and Cash break up this morning?

"Don't be dumb," I muttered to myself. "You're teenagers. Lots of people break up on the daily."

'I'm sorry,' I said finally.

'Don't be. I think it was for the best. We break up a lot, anyway.'

"It's just a coincidence, Alyx," I hissed.

'Yikes to that. Wren and Fred could never.'

'User 10' seemed to like that. 'Hahaha. Those guys were so gay.'

'I know!'

'The author thought he was slick,'

'So not slick. We see what they're doing.'

I felt invigorated. This was what I had wanted all along. Someone to talk to about this incredible book.

We texted a bit longer, and then, to my dismay, I was informed, 'I have to go to bed now. I have football practice in the morning.'

My stomach sunk lower.

"It's just a coincidence, it's just a coincidence."

'Ew,' I said, 'sports.'

'Ha. Ha. I knew you were a nerd.'

'Fuck off.'

'Wow, so rude. I'd like to know where you're getting such awful words from.'

My heart stopped. Time froze. And all I could do was stare at the phone in my hands, at those words, gleaming up at me from my screen.

It was official. I could deny it no longer: I was texting Cash Smith.

A/N: A/N: Thanks for reading! If you're enjoying so far, please leave a vote and/or a comment :)

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