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When my alarm went off on Tuesday morning, I rolled over, turned it off, then proceeded to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling.

The first hints of early sunlight peeked through my blinds, casting tiny patterns across my covers. Downstairs, I could hear the clang of pots and pans, the slam of the fridge door closing. The world was waking up around me, but I couldn't immediately bring myself to re-join it.

For a moment, I just lay there, thinking of the previous day's events: Robert's discontent with Martin and Lucy, my argument with Cash...And Robert's unfortunate revelation.

"Tell me you don't have a crush on Cash Smith," he'd demanded, with an accusatory glare.

I'd merely blinked at him, unable to even begin to form the words that would dismiss it.

I should've said "Of course not," or "Robert, are you insane?"

Instead, I'd just stared. Like a complete idiot.

Robert had been, understandably, more than a little bit alarmed. He'd dragged me into the nearest bathroom, made sure it was empty, then turned to me and cried, "What are you thinking?!"

And I'd just continued to stare. I hadn't even really believed this was happening, that Robert had put the pieces together.

Well...Some of the pieces together.

"He's Cash Smith, Alyx!" Robert had continued, throwing his hands into the air. "He's an absolute dickhead! He's an entitled, narcissistic, selfish prick-"

"I know!" I'd cut in, turning away. "God, you think I don't know that?"

"Then why-" He'd broken off, shook his head, tried again. "I don't even think he likes guys, Alyx."

I hadn't responded. What could I have said?

"Look, I'm sorry for shouting." Robert had sighed, looking weary and concerned simultaneously. "I just don't want you to get hurt. And if he found out you...liked him..."

"I know," I'd said again. I'd turned away, then, and stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, unable to hold Robert's gaze. My eyes had been tired, my hair ruffled and messy.

"Look, don't worry about it," I'd added suddenly, turning on the nearest tap. I'd splashed cold water onto my face, scrubbing at my skin. "I'll...I'll get over it."

"Really?" Robert had sounded unconvinced. I couldn't blame him.

"Really." And then I had met his gaze, turning back to fix him with my most convincing stare. "I promise."

I promise.

Right. Like it was that easy.

Sighing, I climbed from my bed and padded to my closest, pulling it open. Jackets and shirts hung neatly on their racks, but Cash's hoodie stuck out to me at once.

With great care, I tugged it from its hanger and held it up to the light, memorising its scent and feel.


I'd seen him wear this particular hoodie once or twice at school. And now it was sitting in my closet, hanging up beside the rest of my clothes.

I hesitated, weighing it in my arms, thinking carefully of the day ahead.

An idea was starting to form.

- - - -

"Is that a new hoodie?" Robert asked as I took my usual seat beside him. We were in English, waiting, as usual, for Mr. Reiner to make an appearance. "I don't think I've seen it before."

You, Me, and All The Spaces In-betweenWhere stories live. Discover now