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Cash re-entered my life at eleven thirty that night.

Ordinarily, I'd be asleep by then, but I'd spent the past two hours just lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. So I was fully awake when I received his text.

'Hey. Sorry about earlier.'

Before I could decide on a response, my phone vibrated again.

'It was a really shitty situation. I didn't know Bryce would be there.'

And then a third text came through:

'You're not mad, are you?'

Honestly, I didn't know how I felt. A part of me was angry. Another part was sad. And another part just wanted to forgive Cash immediately.

'I don't know,' I said finally. 'Today was a lot.'

'I know. I know, and I'm sorry.'

'What did you tell Bryce?' I asked, trying to divert the subject.

'Not much,' Cash replied. 'He believed my explanation. He didn't really care.'

I snorted disbelievingly, grimacing as I typed. 'Oh, he cared.'

'Alyx, it doesn't matter. Bryce doesn't matter.'

My stomach twisted as I stared at that text, thinking about Cash's expression when Bryce had recognised us-Thinking about the way he'd reacted.

'He does matter, though. He holds power over you. Over all of us.'

'Pfft. No one holds power over me.'

Oh, Cash, I thought sadly, picking at a loose thread on my bed sheets. There's always someone with power over you.

If there was anything high school had taught me, it was that.

'I'm going to bed,' I said after a while. I didn't know what else to say. And my head hurt. 'Goodnight.'

My phone buzzed a few more times as I placed it atop my dresser, but I ignored it, rolled over, and sunk into a shallow sleep.

- - - -

"So, how was your thing?" Robert asked at lunch. He was nibbling half-heartedly on a piece of lettuce and perusing a Biology textbook simultaneously. How he managed to multi-task so well, I'd never know. "Worth ditching me for?"

"Aw," I teased, poking him lightly on the shoulder. Around me, chatter rose and fell across the cafeteria as students filed in and out in sporadic bursts. "Are you jealous?"

He batted me away, crinkling his nose with distaste. "No."

"Don't worry." I leaned across the table and snatched a cold fry from his plate. "I'll always have time for you."

Martin, who had been squinting at his phone, looked up suddenly and asked "Where did you go, Alyx?"

"Uh..." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "I went to the movies?"

"Alone?" Robert frowned. "You should've asked me to come with you."

"It's cool," I said quickly. "It was horror, so...I know you don't like those kind of movies."

"Still," Robert insisted, "I would've-"

"I've gotta go the bathroom," I cut in, standing abruptly. I walked quickly from the table and made my way from the cafeteria, shuffling into the hall beyond. I wasn't ready to think about yesterday-And I definitely didn't need Robert becoming suspicious.

Plus, the hallways were pretty empty, and I found there was a certain therapy in just walking aimlessly. Alone with my thoughts, I felt like I could finally breathe for the first time that day, and I decided not to return to the cafeteria for the rest of lunch.

After a while, however, I thought I heard footsteps behind me. At first I didn't think much of it, but then something warm and soft brushed against my hand.


I cut off as Cash spun me around, bringing us face to face. A mischievous smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Surprised?" he asked, with that beautiful signature grin.

I pulled back and leaned against the wall behind me. "Why would I be surprised?" I sniffed. "Not much to see here."

"Oh?" Cash quirked a brow. "Is that so?"

He stepped forward and slowly brought a hand to my hair, giving me the chance to move away. There was a question in his eyes. "Over me already, Miller? Didn't realise you were such a player."

"Look who's talking," I muttered, leaning in as he touched his lips to my neck. "I'm surprised you still remember my name."

"'Course I do." Cash trailed gentle kisses from my earlobe to my collarbone, moving slowly, with a feather-soft touch. "It's Aaron, right? Or Anthony?"

"Haha," I murmured, barely able to focus. I felt warm, unfocused. "You're funny."

"I know." His lips returned to my ear, nipping at the lobe. "I've been told. Many times."

"Huh." I hooked my hands around Cash's neck, stretching slightly to accommodate the height difference between us. My fingers found the hair at the nape of his neck, and Cash groaned slightly as I tugged and pulled. His mouth moved to mine. "People must lie to you a lot."

He laughed into my mouth. "Why are you always so mean."

We lapsed into slow, gentle movements; while I trailed my fingers through his hair, Cash grasped my waist, pulling me to him, occasionally brushing against the hem of my hoodie and the skin underneath.

I was absorbed in him, lost to his taste and feel-So much so that, when the unmistakable click of heels began to echo down the hall, it took us a minute to jump apart.

Ms. Dale rounded the corner mere seconds later. "Going to class, boys?" she asked, quirking a brow. "Lunch is about to end."

"Yes, Ma'am," Cash replied, shooting her a winning smile. "Wouldn't miss it." He flicked a golden hair from his eyes, practically oozing charm.

"Ugh, she so fell for that," I muttered as she disappeared down the hall. I began hastily flattening down my hair. "She is right, though. We'd better go."

Cash extracted my hands from my head and began smoothing my hair down. "I suppose," he hummed nonchalantly. "Mind you, I'm not exactly desperate to get to maths."

I just knew my face was bright red. "I'm not s-surprised."

I turned to go, but Cash tugged me back to face him.

"You're not still mad, are you?" he asked softly.

I tilted my head back in mock thought. "Hmmm..."

Cash pressed his lips to my neck again, kissing slowly. "What about now?" he murmured against my skin.

God, he made it so hard to think.

"-No," I managed finally. "No, I don't suppose I am."

Cash drew back, smirking triumphantly.

He was so fucking beautiful. It was simply unbelievable.


A/N: Thanks for reading! If you're enjoying so far, please leave a vote and/or a comment :)

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