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I could merely stare, shocked as I was by my surroundings. "Wow."

Cash grinned as he tugged off his jacket. "Wow?"

I shook my head, my mouth agape. "Wha-How-"

"Yeah." He shrugged indifferently. "I guess it's okay."

"Okay?" I spluttered, bewildered. "Cash, you live in an actual mansion."

And he did. The Smith family house was certainly nothing to sneeze at-Large, sleek, and modern, the entrance hall was larger than my bedroom. Windows spanned every wall, letting natural light spill across its marble tile.

It was beautiful. And Cash lived here.

I peered at him suddenly over my shoulder, frowning thoughtfully.

"What?" Cash asked.

"Nothing..." I shrugged, smiling mysteriously. "Just...Figured some things out about you."

"Oh?" He quirked a brow, stepping forward. "Care to enlighten me?"

"Nope." I flashed him a teasing grin. "Well, are you gonna give me the grand tour?"

"I don't know if you deserve it now, after that comment," Cash retorted, poking me lightly on the shoulder. "But I do pride myself on being a generous host. To the kitchen."

To the kitchen indeed. It, like the front of the house, was spacious, modern and gleaming. Although, there was something cold about it, too. Something that suggested it was rarely used...At least, not by its occupants.

"Cash...Do you have servants?" I asked slowly, gazing at my reflection in the countertop.

He snorted. "No, we don't have servants. We have a few staff-"

"Same thing."

Cash laughed and shook his head. "Shall I show you to my bedroom now?"

"How improper," I gasped, with mock outrage. "I think that suggestion warrants a bit more chivalry."

"Chivalry?" A slow, mischievous grin spread across Cash's face. "Oh, I'll show you chivalry." In one swift movement, he scooped me into his arms and began carrying me, bridal style, up the nearest staircase.

"Cash," I said shakily, my heart galloping violently against my chest. "What are you doing?" My skin was burning, bright and flushed beneath his touch.

His chest rumbled with laughter. "What's the matter, Miller?" he teased. "Not having fun?"

I grumbled incomprehensibly and turned my face away, pressing it into his chest. "Hmph."

"Do you want me to put you down?"


Surprisingly, Cash's bedroom was less opulent than the rest of the house. It was still big, of course, but bare; a large king-sized bed sat in the middle of the room, but aside from a dresser, a desk, and a TV, it was relatively sparse.

"Welcome to my room," Cash announced, depositing me onto his bed.

I gazed around, taking in the neutral grey walls, immaculate carpet and wall-to-wall windows. Most of the blinds had been pulled down half-way, so the room was basked in dim afternoon lighting.

"You, ah...Don't have a lot of stuff," I commented.

"Mmm." Cash climbed onto the bed beside me and stretched out on his side, pulling me closer. "I don't like clutter."

You, Me, and All The Spaces In-betweenWhere stories live. Discover now