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The nearest public hospital was a large, shabby collection of buildings in varying stages of completion. Funding had run out a long time ago for many renovation projects, so there were sections comprised of shiny glass and sleek metal, while other sections were mostly just half-disintegrated brick.

I'd been here once before, when I'd broken my leg as a kid. I remembered looking up at its tall, looming shape and feeling incredible small.

And today, as I climbed from the passenger seat of Elena's car and stepped onto the pavement, I felt the exact same way.

"Dad's pretty high up," Elena said, leading me through the front entrance. "On one of the top floors." She wiped quickly at the tears welling in her eyes.

"What happened?" I'd asked her in the car. "Why's Dad in the hospital?"

Her lip had wobbled, and she'd replied with a mere, "He was in a car accident." She hadn't said anything else.

I looked at her now, at her pale face and dishevelled hair, and offered a comforting smile. "Hey, it's gonna be okay."

Those soft green eyes sought out mine, staring intently, searching for confirmation. Then she nodded.


But as we squeezed into a small, rusty, elevator and stood in silence, I thought of Dad. Of his cheap suits and tired face. Of his 5 o'clock shadow and sagging briefcase.

Of the last thing I'd said to him.

I'm only going to say this one more time: Leave. Me. Alone.


The elevator doors sprang open, and we stepped into a long, dimly lit hallway.

"Dad's at the end," Elena explained, pointing down the hall. "In the last room on the left."

The last room on the left turned out to be tiny, cramped and swathed in shades of brown and burnt orange. There was a vase containing wilted flowers by the window, a pair of atrocious tartan curtains, and my Dad-Lying propped up on a hospital bed in the middle of the room.

"Hey, guys," he murmured, stirring as we gathered around his bed.

"Don't get up," Elena insisted, pressing him back against his pillow. "The doctor said you need to rest."

"Are you...Are you gonna be okay?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah." Dad smiled weakly. "I'll be just fine. Just have to keep off this foot for a while." He gestured to his plastered right leg.

"I can't believe this happened," Elena sighed. "Where were you even going?"

Dad ran a hand sheepishly through his hair. "Actually, I was...coming to see you guys."

"Oh my god." My sister pressed a hand to her forehead. She seemed so tired then, so weary and worn-down.

"Hey, Elena," I said, resting a comforting hand on her arm, "why don't you go down to the cafeteria and get some coffee?"

"Are you sure?" Her gaze moved between Dad and I. "Will you guys be okay?"

"We'll be fine." I tried to smile, but it came out more of a grimace.

"Okay..." Elena opened the door. "Well, just call me if you need anything."

Once we were alone, Dad sat up again and fixed me with a cautious look. "So, Alyx...How's school?"

"I don't want to do that," I cut in sharply.

He blinked slowly, vaguely dazed.

"I don't want to make small talk anymore," I clarified. "If...If we're gonna talk again...If you're gonna win back my trust...We need to have real conversations. I know I've been avoiding them, but...It's time to start having them."

Dad's face brightened as I spoke, lips curving into a smile.

But before he could speak, I added, "This isn't forgiveness. Not even close.'s a start."

Dad nodded slowly. "Okay." His voice was quiet, but there was hope in it. "One step at a time. Deal?"

He raised his hand, and I hesitated only a moment before I shook it.


I felt a little better about everything. A little more settled. Like maybe, even if the other parts of my life were messy, this part could be a bit neater...

A bit more...


A/N: Thanks for reading!

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