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We decided on the latest zombie film, a movie called '21 Bites in 21 Nights.' Cash found us a few seats in the back, and we sat in silence as darkness descended upon the theatre.

"Do you...Like zombie movies?" I whispered half-way through the film. I knew the setting wasn't ideal, but I wanted to get to know Cash better-I wanted to know everything about him.

"Yeah, I guess so." Cash shrugged. "I'm more into horror, actually. The CGI monsters are hilarious."

Now it was my turn to look at him with incredulity. "You like horror movies...Because they're funny?"


I merely shook my head. "You've got issues."

Cash gaped with delighted shock, his mouth forming a perfect 'o'

"Is that your official diagnosis?" he asked softly, leaning across the space between us. I could feel his breath rustling the hair across my forehead. "That I have issues?"

I stared at his lips, swallowed, then forced my eyes back to his. "Yes," I choked out, hating the shake in my voice. "Yes, it is."

"I see." Smirking, Cash grasped the back of my neck and brought his lips to mine, his other arm encircling my shoulders.

We pushed and pulled in the darkness of the theatre, moving slowly, carefully, with a methodical kind of calculation. It was almost like solving a maths equation, I thought faintly.

Almost like finding the answer.

- - - -

Needless to say, we didn't catch most of the movie's second half.

When we left the cinemas two hours later, the sun was starting to set, and the mall was significantly emptier. Everything was bathed in orange and gold, glinting in the late afternoon light.

I yawned loudly as we walked back down the escalator, stretching my arms above me. "That was good." I glanced shyly across at Cash. "That was a good movie."

"Was it?" Cash grinned wickedly at me. "I didn't catch most of it."

My face was on fire when we stepped off the escalator. And as we headed for the exit, I hung back slightly, fidgeting nervously with the sleeves of my jumper.

"What's up?" Cash asked, turning around.

I paused, contemplating, my skin itching with nerves. "Let's-"

I broke off, tried again.

"Let's do this again-Let's hang out more." Oh god, this was hard. "You don't have to, of course-I don't know, maybe you had a terrible time and you just didn't want to tell me. But I think we should-"

"-Miller," Cash cut in, his gaze softening. "Alyx. I-"


Dread dropped like a stone in the pit of my stomach as Bryce Green's nasally sneer sailed through the air. He and Tyler Jackson, another of their football buddies, were walking towards us wearing identical smug expressions.

"Cash, dude, didn't expect to see you here." Bryce bumped his fist against Cash's shoulder, already smirking at me. "What's the little nerd doing here? Isn't it past his bedtime?"

I could see Cash freeze. Could see the indecision flickering across his face, watch the thoughts whirl and race through his mind. And I could see the exact moment I lost him.

"I don't know," he sneered, gazing down at me with that same disdain I knew so well. "I was just grabbing a drink, and then this-this loser approached me-"

"Ew," Bryce crowed, his face contorting in disgust. "You don't think he's like, in love with you, do you-"

"No!" I blurted, unable to contain myself.

"Just give us a minute," Cash said to his friends. "I'll be right there."

"'ight, man. 'ight." Bryce raised his hands, grinning sadistically at me as he backed away. "We'll be right over there."

"What was that?" I demanded the minute they were out of earshot. "How could you-"

"I'm sorry, Miller, I am." Cash sighed and rubbed tiredly at his forehead. "But you don't understand the position I was in-"

"-No," I interjected, feeling my face grow hot again. "No, you don't understand the position you put me in-"

"I was-"

"That's why you wanted to meet at the movies, wasn't it?" I pulled furiously at the hem of my jumper, unwilling to meet his gaze. "So no one would see us together? And you thought everyone would be home by the time it finished?"

"Calm down, Miller," Cash sighed. He sounded frustrated. "It was one movie." He seemed to hesitate, then added, "Look, I'll text you tonight."

The sound of his footsteps seemed to echo loudly in my ears as he walked away, re-joining Bryce and Tyler-Re-entering his rightful place on the social ladder.

Re-exiting my life.

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you're enjoying so far, please leave a vote and/or a comment :)

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