Bonus Chapter 1

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"How do I look?"

Martin squinted into the mirror, pushing the hair from his forehead for the fifth time. "Do you think Lucy will like it?"

"No," Robert drawled, walking back into my room. He brushed an imaginary speck of dust off the front of his blazer. "I think she'll take one look at you and vomit."

Martin shot him a disgruntled glare. "Gee, thanks."

"Robert, you have to be careful," I teased, patting Martin on the shoulder. "A single off-handed comment could send him into another panic-induced hair frenzy."

"Ha, ha." Martin rolled his eyes. "You guys suck."

"We're just messing with you," I said, offering a sympathetic smile. "We know how important this dance is to you."

"I just want everything to be perfect," he sighed. "This is our first school dance as a couple. I want to give her the night she deserves. And she worked so hard on the decorations, too." He reached to flick the hair from his eyes.

"Martin," I interjected, pulling his hand from his forehead, "everything will be fine. Lucy loves you. She won't care if your hair's slightly messy."

Martin's eyes widened in alarm. "Is it?"

"No," Robert interjected flatly.

Downstairs, the doorbell rang.

Robert and I sighed in relief.

"Okay," I said, raising my hands in a placating gesture, "that'll be the girls. Everyone, stay calm."

I whisked downstairs, practically throwing the front door open.

"Thank god you're here."

Ky quirked a brow. "...You sure sound happy to see us."

She and Lucy stood on my doorstep, peering curiously into the house.

"Is everything okay?" Lucy asked, tugging Ky inside.

She was wearing a long, sweeping dress in pale blue, and she'd twisted her hair (silver this month) into a low chignon, leaving a few wispy tendrils floating about her face.

"Yeah." I flashed my best inconspicuous grin. "Martin's just...a little stressed."

"Oh, no." Lucy glanced up the staircase. "Can I go check on him?"

I nodded vigorously. "Absolutely."

As she disappeared upstairs, I turned to Ky.

"You look nice."

A cream suit hugged her figure, and she'd twirled a strand of braided hair around her head in a half-crown.

She pulled me into a hug. "Has Martin really been that bad?"

I laughed into her shoulder. "Yeah."

"And Robert?"

"Cool as a cucumber."

Ky huffed a laugh. "Figures."

She crinkled her nose as we drew apart. "What's that smell?"

"W-What?" I stammered, shifting awkwardly.

"Are you wearing cologne?" Ky teased, eyes lighting with mischief.

I flushed bright red. "S-So what if I am? Most guys wear cologne to dances, don't they?"

Her painted mouth curled into a smirk. "Yours smells expensive."

It had been. I'd spent most of my allowance on an expensive cologne in preparation of tonight.

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