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The word was so soft I barely heard it. Warm skin brushed against my hands, and I flinched instinctively, pressing further against the wall.

"Hey, hey, it's okay."

Cash. That was Cash's voice.

"How'd you find me?" I mumbled.

"You never showed up," he replied softly. "I got worried and went looking for you."

I let him slowly tug my hands from my eyes, let him peer into my face and examine the myriad of bruises peppering it.

"What happened?" There was an instant fury in his voice.

I looked up and saw cold fire blazing in his eyes.

"I..." Speaking felt like pulling razor blades from my throat. "There was...I was..."

"It's okay," Cash said gently. He grasped my hands in his, drawing circles over my knuckles with his thumbs. "Just breathe."

I sucked in a deep breath, wincing as pain spiked through my ribs. I released it slowly and drew in another one, focusing on the feel of Cash's skin against my own.

"Tyson," I said finally. His cruel face flashed into my mind. That wicked grin, those relentless fists. "He...jumped me. Beat me up."

I coughed suddenly, spitting blood.

Cash's face was a frozen mask, but his words were deathly quiet. "He's a dead man."

He helped me carefully to my feet, still holding my hands. "Can you walk? Do you need a hospital?"

"No." I shook my head. "I just need...I should..."

"I'm going to take you back to mine," Cash murmured. "Is that okay?"

I hesitated. I'd meant to say home. I should go home.

But staying at Cash's house sounded so much more appealing.


- - - -

The house was silent and dim when we walked through the front door.

"My parents aren't here," Cash said, by way of explanation. "They rarely are."

There was no bitterness in his voice. Just a calm matter-of-factness.

"C'mon, let's go to my room."

Cash riffled through his closest as I sat on his bed, pulling out blankets and thick jackets.

"Oh," he said suddenly, looking up. "Did you want to take a shower?"

"Are you sure?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course."

He led me to a room down the hall and flicked on the lights, revealing a large, gleaming bathroom adorned in white marble and black tile.

"Take all the time you need." He handed me a fluffy white towel and a pile of fresh clothes, then closed the door behind him.

For a moment I just stood there, letting the last hour sink in.

Tyson had-He'd-

Oh god.

I pressed a hand over my mouth to contain the hollow sobs wracking my chest.

Oh my god.

- - - -

I took longer in the shower than I'd initially planned, but I found once I was under the hot water, the tears came fast and heavy.

You, Me, and All The Spaces In-betweenWhere stories live. Discover now