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The argument between Cash and Casey gave me a lot of things to think about, and I found myself distracted for the rest of the morning, all the way up to lunchtime.

So Casey had been trying to get Cash back, had she? No doubt she saw their falling out as just another trivial spat, one of their various short-lived breaks. And why wouldn't she? She and Cash had been breaking up and getting back together since the dawn of time. Why would now be any different?

Because now I'm in the picture, I thought furiously, trying to push aside my doubts. The difference is me.

If only I could be that certain.

Needless to say, by the time lunch rolled around, I was desperate to get away and talk to Cash. I needed to hear it from him-That we were fine. Solid. That Casey Truman wouldn't come between us.

As Robert and I sat at our usual table, I began to plan my escape.

"I've got to go," I'd say, hurriedly scarfing down my lunch. "I just remembered I've got to hand a form into the office." It'd work; Martin was helping Lucy with her club, Ky was at softball practice, and Robert wouldn't ask any probing questions.

But when I opened my mouth to make my excuse, Martin and Lucy materialised from the crowd and set their trays onto the table.

"Hey, you two," Lucy said cheerfully, tossing a handful of violet curls over one shoulder. She'd dyed it again recently, a colour Martin had described to us as 'simply adorable.' "How are we enjoying lunch?"

"I'm enjoying my cold, soggy cafeteria sandwich very much," Robert mused. He cast a glance at me. "What about you, Alyx?"

"Fine, it's fine," I said hurriedly, standing from my seat. I didn't have time to wonder at Martin and Lucy's being here; I had to go find Cash. "Guys, sorry about this, but I have a form to hand into the office-"

"You're leaving?" Martin cut in, sounding surprisingly dismayed. "Already?"

"I might, er...Come back." I stared guiltily down at my shoes. "It depends how long the office takes to process it-They might have some questions-"

"You're always leaving early, Alyx," Lucy remarked airily. "That's what Martin tells me."

"Oh?" Robert said hotly, anger colouring his face. "What else does Martin dear tell you-"

"It's not like that," Martin interjected, equally as angry. "You know it's not, Robert, I was just-"

"Talking to your girlfriend about your friends behind their back?"

"Don't make this about-"

"Guys!" Normally I hated raising my voice at my friends, but I was sick of the fights between them. And across the cafeteria, Cash was standing from his seat, staring right at me and waiting for me to catch on. After a few moments he started to move off, and I watched in despair as he left the room.

"Alyx, I'm sorry." Martin sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Lucy and I decided to eat here instead of in the clubroom, so that we could all spend time together...I didn't come here to start a fight."

I stared wordlessly into Martin's face. Into the face of the boy I'd considered my best friend for years and years. We'd been through so much together, stuck by each other even on our worst days. And now, he was pulling away. He was pulling away, and I knew that. I looked at Martin then, and I realised that I probably knew more about Robert than I did him.

That Robert and I were probably closer now.

But he was trying, Martin was trying. And I appreciated that. I could accept that.

You, Me, and All The Spaces In-betweenWhere stories live. Discover now