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The next week was pure bliss. There really was no better way to put it.

I spent every night texting Cash until the small hours of the morning, and then we'd text between classes, before and after school, on the weekend. It was incredible. The more I spoke to him, the more obvious it became that I really was talking to Cash Smith. He was arrogant, and stubborn, and charming, and funny. Like, really funny.

Unfortunately, my school work suffered a little. My sleep schedule suffered a lot. I walked around with enormous bags under my eyes, while the glimpses of Cash I snatched in English class revealed him to be just as perfect as ever. He really was a god, the gorgeous bastard.

But I was happy. So happy.

Robert said as much a week and a half from Friday's football game. He stared cautiously into my face as I waited by his locker, examining me through narrowed eyes.

"You're...suspiciously cheerful lately," he muttered, finally turning away. He shoved a few textbooks into his bag. "It's weird."

"Oh, Robert, be more positive," I teased, bumping his shoulder with mine.

He gave me an incredulous look and held a maths textbook up to me. "Have you been studying for the test tomorrow?"


"Er..." I shifted my weight hesitantly from foot to foot. "Not...Exactly?"

Robert gaped at me openly. "What do you mean, 'not exactly?'" he demanded. "Alyx, this is an important test. It counts for a good chunk of our final grade-"

"I know," I broke in, keeping my tone upbeat. School work just didn't hold the same appeal at the moment, but I was confident I'd get it done...Probably.

"Don't sweat it. I'll be fine."

"There you two are," Ky sang loudly, strolling around the corner. She was wearing a grey cropped top and a pair of worn jeans, with a paid jacket tied around her waist. "C'mon, Martin and I have decreed an emergency ice cream party. We're heading to Mr. Cone's right now, and you're both coming."

Mr. Cone's was a popular ice cream parlour a few streets away. It used to be our hangout when we were a bit younger, but I hadn't been there in quite a few months.

"I don't know, Ky." Robert glanced reluctantly at his phone. "It's a Tuesday. And I have a lot of homework to do."

"Alyx," Ky said, linking an arm with mine, "please tell me he's joking."

I knew he wasn't.

"I just-It's important to me, you know?" Robert defended.

"You can take a break from being the world's smartest people for one evening," Ky instead, linking her other arm with Robert's and dragging us down the hall. "Now come on. Cone's awaits."

- - - -

Eventually, we relented.

Well, Robert took some convincing, but honestly, I was on board from the moment Ky mentioned it. I missed my friends, and these days it felt like I was the one putting in all the effort to spend time with them. The fact that they were initiating this gathering excited me.

Martin was already sitting in a booth when we stepped into the shop. Mr. Cone's was themed after an old 50's diner, so the floors were pink and white tile, while pastel yellows and blues dominated most of the café. Neon signs adorned the walls, and the booths were red and sparkly. And peeling.

Robert picked at them curiously as we slid in beside Martin. "Damn, this place is old."

"Oh, shush," Ky snorted, poking out her tongue. "You're old." She pulled a menu towards her and scrutinised the options. "This place is pricey, though."

I picked up a menu, wincing at the sticky plastic. "Yikes," I remarked, scanning the list. "This is gonna put a dent in my college funds."

"You know what, it's on me," Martin said suddenly, grinning broadly at us. "I have a job, I'll take care of the bill. Order whatever you want."

"Oh no, we simply couldn't," Ky crooned, already signalling a waiter. "I'd feel so guilty."

Martin quirked a brow. "Oh, shut up."

After a bit of deliberation, I decided to order a triple scoop with vanilla, mint and cookie dough. As we all received our food and settled comfortably into our seats, Martin declared, "This is nice."

Robert shrugged. "Is it?"

I peered anxiously at him as Ky and Martin stared, but then Ky laughed and kicked him playfully under the table. "Typical Robert. So cynical. Yes, this is nice. It's been a minute since I've spent time with my peeps."

"And who's fault is that?" Robert drawled.

I stared at him again, feeling my chest clench with anxiety. The last thing I wanted was conflict.

"Cut it out," I whispered to him pleadingly, and to my relief, he sighed after a moment and shook his head.

"Sorry. Guess I'm just a bit cranky."

"Someone should get grandpa Robert to bed," Ky teased, licking the strawberry ice cream from her spoon. "He's getting tired."

"I'm always tired," Robert remarked wryly, stretching.

The group dissolved into their usual playful banter, but despite myself, I began to feel my thoughts turning to Cash. I'd decided not to tell any of my friends about our texting, so I couldn't do it now, but I missed the new routine we had created. I was itching to text him.

As I thought about it, however, I felt guilt clench my stomach. What was wrong with me? I was with my friends, and we were all gathered here at this place we hadn't visited since we were children. I should've been ecstatic.

Shaking Cash from my mind, I resolved to pay attention, and turned my gaze to Martin just as a voice cut through the air.

"Hey there!"

Ky gaped in open shock as Lucy sauntered up to our booth. "Martin said you'd be here, so I thought I'd stop by." She stood before us and beamed widely, showing all of her teeth.

Ky glowered at Martin, while Robert and I shifted awkwardly in our seats.

"Did he, now?" Ky asked sweetly, still staring daggers at Martin. "Lucy, dear, would you mind if I had a chat with Martin real quick?"

Lucy blinked uncertainly, then nodded. "Ah...Sure. I'm gonna go order a milkshake."

As she left, Ky turned and slapped Martin on the arm. Hard.

"Ow!" He protested, rubbing it irritably. "What was that for?"

"Why did you invite her?!" Ky demanded, stamping her foot. "This was supposed to be our thing, Martin-Not-Not-"

"Not what?-"

"You just bring her everywhere!" Ky's face was flushed with anger now. "You're the reason Alyx and Robert feel left out all the time! You-"

"Me?" Martin scoffed, standing from the booth. "That's rich-You and your softball all the time, you're practically never-"

"That's not-"

"Um, guys." I stood slowly, awkwardly, wishing I could disappear. "I'm just gonna go."

"Wait, no, Alyx-" Martin cut in, and at the same time Ky protested, "Don't leave-"

But I hastily threw a crumpled bill onto the table, stuffed my hands into my pockets, and walked from the café. I threw myself across my bed as soon as I got home and immediately texted Cash. We fell into our wonderful conversational rhythm, and I could feel the pain in my chest ease and the tears dry from my eyes.

When, exactly, Cash Smith became my source of comfort, I wasn't entirely sure. But in that moment I was infinitely grateful for him.

A/N: Man, am I great at naming cafes or what?

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