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It was all I could say. My mind was blank, void of any and all coherent thought. All I could do was gape at the boy before me, held captive by indecision and shock.

Cash laughed softly and scratched at the back of his neck. "Damn, don't sound so happy to see me."

Beside me, Martin and Robert rose from their seats.

"We, ah...We'll be back," Martin said quickly. He avoided my outraged stare as they brushed past, climbing down from the bleaches.

I turned back to Cash with wide eyes. "Did you...?"

"Talk to them? Yeah." He shifted awkwardly, eyes downcast. "Don't get mad, okay? But I approached them the other day and asked if they'd help me."

"I'm surprised they agreed," I remarked dryly. I didn't know whether to feel betrayed or grateful. Maybe a mixture of both.

"It...wasn't easy," Cash admitted. "Took some convincing."

"Why?" The word was blunt on my tongue. "Why do this?"

Cash was silent for a moment, his gaze searching mine. "Alyx," he said finally, my name a gentle caress, "I miss you. So, so much." There was real pleading in his voice. "I want to try again. Can't we please try again?"

My mind was a flurry of thoughts and feelings, all of them complicated, all of them conflicting. All I wanted was to fall into his arms. I didn't want to think about it anymore, or worry about it. I just wanted to be with him.

But I kept picturing Tyson and Bryce's mocking faces.

"You don't mean it," I sighed, steeling myself. God, it hurt just to say the words. "You never really mean it."

I stood, even when all I wanted to do was stay, and began to make my way past him.

"Alyx." Cash reached out, gently grasping my arm.

I peered back down at him as he stared into my face; there was such sincerity in his eyes.

"I do mean it."

I wanted to believe him so badly.

"I do mean it," Cash repeated.

He tugged me closer, and I let him. I was putty in his hands.

"I really, really mean it."

And then he kissed me. In the middle of a softball game, in front of our peers, he kissed me.

One hand weaved into my hair, the other grabbed the front of my hoodie, and I melted into his embrace, returning the kiss fervently as I fell into his lap.

I kissed his neck, his nose, along his jawline and at the base of his ear, attempting to convey, with every touch, just how much I'd missed him. Just how much it had hurt to stay away.

Just how glad I was to be with him again.

When tears trailed down my face, we broke apart.

"Hey, it's okay," Cash soothed, placing his hands on my face. He leaned forward and kissed away each one, rubbing my cheek softly with his thumb.

"I just," I hiccupped, "I just thought I'd never get to...hold you again."

Cash's frame shook with gentle laughter. "Oh, Miller." He rested his forehead against mine. "So emotional."

I laughed too, wiping away my tears with a shaking hand. "I love you."

The words were out of my mouth before I could comprehend it, but it felt right. So I said it again.

"I love you."

Cash's gaze softened, and a broad grin broke out across his face.

"Alyx Miller," he said quietly. Fiercely. "I love you, too."

A/N: Thanks so much for getting to this point! There will be a few bonus chapters, but we're very close to the very end of the story

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