Chapter One

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Turning around to wave to Dad and Renee I walk through the boarding gate. They will be heading to forks in a few weeks for Bella's marriage. Finding my sit beside a polite older fellow, I stow my carry-on and sit down. Putting on my head phones, I think dearly of my stepsister. I have missed her while she has been living in Forks with her father. We were close when she still lived at home. I meet Charlie once on a vacation to California with Bella. They are exactly like each other. I told Bella once and she automatically disagreed. I fondly think of the first time I meet her. 

I was watching Dads game when all the sudden popcorn went everywhere. "Bella... Honey you need to be more careful. You have already had two E.R visits this month!" A brown headed lady said while helping her darker haired daughter to stand. The girl had scraps on her palms and knees. She was very thin and pale. Oddly so, in Arizona no one is pale. I turn my attention back to the game. Out of the corner of my eye I see the pair making their way to the empty seats beside me. I tucking my knees so they could slide past, but the clumsy girl trips again sending the rest of the popcorn all over me. We stared at each other in shock. 

After realizing what happened I laugh at the horror-stricken girl. "I am so sorry. I even got popcorn in your hair. I'm so clumsy." She started swiping at the loose kernels of popcorn. I laugh even harder at her panicked words. " Hey, don't worry about it. I'm Cara,  I honestly could use the excitement. Don't tell my Dad this But I hate baseball. It's so boring." I said through my giggles. She started to chuckle too. " My name is Bella. It's nice to meet you. I am sorry about the popcorn, I'm very clumsy." I smile, "I can see that from the popcorn that is still in your hair from the last fall." She looks at me in horror then looks to her mother. The king looking women shushes her daughter and proceeded to pick the remnants of popcorn from her hair. After talking to Bella the whole game we walk out of the stadium together. I see my Dad slowly walking toward us. "Hey Bella this is my Dad, Phil. Dad this is Bella and Renee."

From that point on we were an inseparable team. Well, until Bella had the great idea of leaving me alone with the honeymooners. She said she didn't want to be in the way of Dad and Renee. It was tough on them. They were newly married but had to stay apart because of Bella and I. We still had to stay in Phoenix to go to school, but dad traveled to play in different areas before we settled down in Florida a year ago. 

Looking out the window I hope the flight will be fast because I miss my sister and can't wait to meet my soon to be brother-in-law. I always wanted a brother and now I get to experience it. Bella called to tell Renee and I the news and I automatically volunteered to help. Bella was hesitant at first but then agreed. I have be talking to Alice, Edward's sister; ever since. We have been picking everything from flowers, color themes, to table placement. Alice has become a very close friend in the last few months. I'm bunking with Alice till the wedding. She insisted that I stay with her because of possible last minute changes and after checking with her folks it was set. I can't wait till we land. The soft sounds of my classical music and the gentle roar of the engines lull me into a  peaceful slumber.  

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