Chapter Nine

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Peering my eyes open and saw the horrendous mess in the light of the full moon.  Last night was amazing. We watched movies till around one in the morning. Laughs, songs, and screaming continued throughout the night. Esme and Carlisle would come down the hall every time and we would turn off all the lights and music before they came in and pretend to sleep. We would laugh when we heard them close their door. 

Looking around I see Bella snoring next to me. Everyone else was missing, Alice wasn't in the bed next to me. The room was still disorganized. Pillows and feathers were everywhere. 

Looking to the clock on the night stand. It read 2:36 A.M. 

Standing up, I stretch. 'Everyone must have headed to their beds. Alice must have bunked with Jasper, they were very lovey last night'. 

Deciding to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, I walk out the door. All the lights where out in the hall. As I walked down the hallway toward the kitchen. Jaspers door was open and no one was inside. Same with Rosalie and Emmett's room. 

The closer I came to the stairs the more light I could see coming from the kitchen. As I descended the stairs I started to hear voices. 

"Edward, Alice just tell us already. The girls are asleep already. Whats going on?" I heard Rose say. 

"What is it son? Is it about Cara? What has happened?" Carlisle questioned.

Emmett getting frustrated, loudly said, "Spill it already, you have been up in the air about this all day. Whatever it is it can't be that bad."

There was a long pause.

At the same time Edward and Alice both say. "You have no idea how bad this is."

I take my place halfway up the stair case. I feel bad for snopping in on their conversation, but they did say my name. 

Edward starts. "Alice had a vision earlier today. Cara have made the decision to move to Forks permanently. That decision caused a landslide of events to slide into place." 

"So what, does she find out about us being vampires? Does she turn into one? We all love Cara. It wouldn't be the worse thing to happen." Emmett cut in.

I froze. All the pieces of the puzzle slid together. I knew something was off but I didn't expect that. I try to calm myself and listen in.

Alice started this time. "The vision became concrete. I have never seen a vision so solid before. The vision will happen no matter what steps are taken. Cara has already been seen and will be reported. I don't know what to do."

Carlisle's gentle voice became audible. "Alice, what is going to happen? Reported? To the Volturi?" 

"Yes, It has or will be very soon." Edward said.

"Cara is more important than anyone knows. It was confirmed when she looked at the painting in Carlisles study."

"What do you mean. The one with Aro, Marcus, Caius, and myself?" a confused Carlisle asked.

As soon as the names where spoken my heart took off. A feeling that could be described as snapping of heart strings, happened in my chest. Pleasurable only for a few seconds, then turning into pain and longing.

Screaming out for help. Seven figures appeared in front of me. Carlisle came automatically to my side. Holstering me up into his arms, his eye wonder over my form. Trying to find the issue in question I hear a worried Rosalie ask Alice. "What is going on?"

"I assume the first of many Mating Pulls, I figure they can feel it too." Alice said matter-a-factly. 

Esme asked. "The Mating Pull? To who? She is only a human." 

Alice smiles. "Isn't it obvious, she's the royal mate to the Three Kings."

Everything went black. 

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